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Special Expository Techniques in

Technical Writing
Distinction Bet. Literary Writing and Technical Writing
Definition 1. Formal Definition
2. Informal Definition
3. Amplified/ Extended
Description – Process, Part by Part and Mechanism
Cause and Effect
Comparison and Contrast
Employing Pursuasion
Giving Instructions

These techniques may be used singly or in combination.

Special Expository Techniques in
Technical Writing
At the end of the Chapter, the students
should be able to:
1. Explain the basic techniques of T.W.
2. Discuss classification and its basis of division in
classification system.
3. Determine the points of reference from which a
mechanism can be described.
4. Know the different styles/techniques in T.W.
Distinction bet. Literary and Technical Writing

 Purpose
 Subject Matter
 Language
 Point of View
 Tone
Con’t. Distinction…

Literary Writing Technical Writing

 Purpose:  Purpose
To entertain/amuse To provide useful information
To suggest the writer’s To convey the writer’s ideas
message directly, to give directions
and to serve as a basis for
decision making
Con’t. Distinction…

Literary Writing Technical Writing

 Subject Matter  Subject Matter
Focuses on man’s manifold Deals with the subject related to
experience. business industry, science and
 Language  Language
Uses figurative language and makes use of formal and serious
imaginary vocabulary. technical or scientific terminologies
Words and expressions used are suited for its purpose and style.
beautifully and rhythmically
interwoven to produce a poetic
interpretation of life.
Con’t. Distinction…

 Point of View  Point of View

Third person point of view Third person point of view:
First person point of view The researcher, the
Third person omniscient proponent, the author or the
Third person observer writer.
1st person may be used esp. in
 Tone
application letter
personal, subjective, and
definitely appeals to the  Tone
emotions Objective, impersonal and

 Formal Definition
 Informal Definition
 Amplified/ Extended Definition
 Three words to remember in formal definition:
The principal parts
1. specie-subject of definition
2. genus-family or class to which the specie belongs
3. differentia-the part of the statement which the particular
specie’s distinguishing traits, qualities are pointed out.
Species Genus Differentia
Brazing a welding process wherein the filler metal is a
nonferrous metal or alloy
whose melting point is
higher than 100 0F but
lower than that of
the metals or alloys to be
Species Genus Differentia
Species Genus Differentia
Species Genus Differentia
Suggestions/Notes in formal definition:

 Repetition of Key Terms

 Qualifying Phrases
 Single Instance, or Example
 Word Choice in Genus and Differentia
 Instead of a single-word substitution,
sometimes, a phrase, clause or even a
sentence may be used.
 Dialectric may be informally defined as “a
nonconducting material placed between the plates of
a condenser,”
 Eosin, “a beautiful red dye”.
 Clause: Eosin, which is the potassium salt of
tetrabromo-fluorescin used in making red printing
 Statement: The chemical used in making red ink and
in coloring various kinds of cloth is technically
known as “eosin”.
When/why do we use informal
1.They are partial, not complete, definitions.

2.They are particularly adapted for use in the

text of a discussion.

3.When they reach a certain sentence length, it

may not be greatly different from the formal
sentence definition.
Note: If you think the term is important enough to be focused on,
use formal or amplified definition.
This type of definition is more than informing
the reader in one word, phrase, clause or
sentence in order to ensure a reader’s
understanding of a thing idea.

If a sentence definition will still leave a number

of questions in the reader’s mind, then use
this type of definition.
A Formal Sentence Definition goes like this:
“A drift meter is an instrument used in air navigation to measure
the angle between the heading of a plane and the track being made good.”

The simplest form of drift meter consists of a circular plate of heavy glass set in the
floor of the cockpit in front of the pilot. The pilot may be rotated within a ring on which degrees of angle are
marked to the left and right of a zero mark. This zero point is in the direction of the forward end of the
longitudinal axis of the plane. The plate has a seriesof parallel lines ruled on it. With the plane in level flight,
the pilot can look down through the plate and rotate it until objects on the ground arre moving parallel to the
lines. Under these conditions, the lines on the plate will be in the direction of the track being made good, and the
angle between the heading and this track may be immediately read on the scale.

Many modern and complicated types of drift sights have been devised, but all of them operate on the
fundamental principle described above. In some modern drift sights, a gyroscopic stabilizing system holds the grid
lines level even though the plane is not flying level. Astigmatizers are frequently incorporated to assist in
measuring drift angle, particularly in flying over water.

In some modern drift sights, a system is incorporated so that the ground speed may be determined. A pair
of wires is marked on the grid, perpendicular to those set parallel to the apparent motion of the ground. The time
required for an object on the ground to move from one of these wires to the other will be proportional to the
ground speed. The distance of the plane from the ground must be accurately known, and the objects observed
must be directly below the plane to obtain an accurate value of ground speed.
Techniques in Amplified/Extended
You must use your judgement in determining how much has to
be said and what needs to be said.
1.Further definition
2.Concrete examples and instances
3.Comparison and contrast
4.Word derivation
5.Negative statement
6.Physical description
8.Basic principle
9.Cause and effect
Further definition
 To explain unfamiliar terms used in the
formal definition.
 If you think that some of the words in a
definition you have written may not be
familiar to your reader, you should go on to
explain them.
Concrete examples and instances
 To give the readers some specific examples
for the abstract terms used in the definition
Comparison and contrast
 To compare the alikeness of two or more
 To give the differences between or among
unlike things.
Word derivation
 Etymological term or the origin of a word that
may shed light on its present meaning.
Negative statement
 Observe negation, negation or elimination.
 Example:
A suspensoid is not, an emulsoid, but a
colloid dispersed by a suitable medium, only
with difficulty, yielding are unstable solutions
which cannot be reformed after coagulation.
Physical description
 What the term defined looks like
 Breaking down a thing or an idea.
Basic principle
 Particularly applicable to processes and
Cause and effect
 Reason/source and the result/outcome
 Example:
Magnetism may be defined in terms of its effects.

In defining disease, information about its cause is

important/ indispensable.
 It sometimes helpful to tell where a thing may
be found
 Description of Mechanism
 Description of Partition

 Process Description

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