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Stan Pines

For their summer vacation, 12-year-old twins
Dipper and Mabel Pines are dropped off from their
home in Piedmont, California, to the fictitious
town of Gravity Falls, Roadkill County, Oregon, to
spend the summer with their great uncle Stan Pines
(often shortened to Grunkle Stan), who runs a
tourist trap called the "Mystery Shack". Things are
not what they seem in this small town, and with the
help of a mysterious journal that Dipper finds in
the forest, they begin unraveling the town's
mysteries. With Wendy Corduroy, Mystery Shack
cashier; Soos Ramirez, a friend of Dipper and
Mabel and handyman to Grunkle Stan; plus an
assortment of other characters, Dipper and Mabel
always have an intriguing day to look forward to.
About Gravity Falls

• Gravity Falls is an American mystery

comedy animated television series
created by Alex Hirsch for Disney
Channel and Disney XD. The series
premiered on June 15, 2012 and ran
until February 15, 2016.
Stanley´s Past
Who’s Stanley Pines?

• Stanley "Stan" Pines (born June

15, 15 minutes after his twin
brother, Ford Pines). He is also the
tritagonist of the series. After
many years of crime and infamy,
he has taken up residence in the
remote town of Gravity Falls,
Oregon, where he exploits local
lore and the gullibility of the
"dumbest people in the world" to
finance himself by running a
dubious tourist trap known as the
Mystery Shack.
Early Life

• He and his twin brother Stanford

were very close. Stan's strong,
brawny personality combining with
Ford's intellect: when together, they
were an unstoppable pair. Stan also
faced frequent bullying due to his
weak appearance as a child. This
eventually inspired their father to
force Stan into taking boxing
lessons, as a means of toughening
them up and giving them the
strength to overcome their
• Stan's teenage years were initially pleasant,
frequenting the 50's-themed Juke Joint with
then-girlfriend Carla McCorkle and building
their ship - named the Stan o' war - with his twin
Stanford, as they hoped to fulfill their childhood
dreams of sailing around the world searching for
adventure. His dream began to crumble near the
end of senior year, when Stanford's intellect
attracted the interest a prestigious college on
the other side of the country, which meant he'd
move away from him, and with Carla ending
their relationship On the verge of losing his
closest friend, barely passing high school and
seemingly destined to stay in Glass Shard Beach
forever, Stan took his frustrations out on Ford's
infinite motion machine, accidentally damaging
it and causing its malfunction
• Ford accused Stan of sabotage,
driving a wedge between the twins
and prompting their father to
disown Stan for losing them the
"potential millions" Ford's scientific
achievements would've reaped.
With no friends or family to turn
to, a furious Stanley set out on his
own, determined to acquire fame
and fortune twice the size his twin
ever would've earned.
Years Later

Years later, Stan as an adult he founded

the Stan Co. Enterprises. Through his self-
managed company, Stan made and sold a
variety of cheap and poorly-constructed
household utilities, from Stan Co.
Pitchforks (whose heads tended to fall off)
to the "Sham Total" sham towels, both of
which resulted in Stan Co. Enterprises,
along with Stan himself, being banned
from the state of New Jersey. After the
failure of his "Stan Vac" vacuums, Stan
expanded his business out of the country,
resulting in a heist gone awry in Colombia ,
which landed him in one of the country's
prisons alongside cellmates Jorge and Rico.
Stan attempted to bond with them, much
to both prisoners' intense dislike.
Upon his release, Stanley returned to the
United States. Banned from 32 of the 50
states, imprisoned in three different
countries, reduced to renting a room at
the Dead-End Flats motel, and remaining
in debt to Rico, Stan's life had seemingly
hit rock bottom - until the arrival of a
postcard from his brother Stanford, the
first he had heard from his twin in over 10
years. It contained a desperate plea for
Stan's presence
The Postcard
Stan traveled to his brother's new home in the woods
of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to find Ford confined in his
shack and borderline insane with paranoia. Ford then
revealed his underground laboratory and the Universe
Portal to his brother, vaguely explaining that its powers
were too dangerous and that he needed Stan to take one
of Ford's journals, which contained information as to its
operation, and go as far away as possible to protect
them from falling into the wrong hands. Furious that
Ford had only summoned him to send him away again,
Stan initiated an argument and prepared to burn the
book to spite Ford, causing a fistfight between the two.
During the brawl, which caused Stan to burn his back
on one of the symbols in the machinery, the device was
inadvertently activated, and Stan unintentionally pushed
his brother into the portal's range, sending Ford through
the dimensional rift before its immediate shutdown from
lack of fuel. Stan spent the following weeks plagued by
insomnia and guilt, cloistered in the lab in an attempt to
turn the portal on and bring Ford back again, only to
realize it was hopeless without the other two journals.
Upon venturing into town once the food ran out, Stan
discovered the locals were curious about Ford's house,
and even willing to pay for a look, which prompted him
to open it up for tours, building fanciful faux-paranormal
props when Ford's inventions failed to garner interest.
With Stan's witty remarks and jokes to liven the visits,
the house eventually attracted enough popularity to
become the Murder Hut, and later the Mystery Shack, a
tourist trap focused on 'paranormal' exhibits. Faking his
own death in a car crash, Stan took up his brother's
identity to remain legally in the property and pay Ford's
mortgage; he boarded up Ford's old bedroom and hid
access to the lab behind a vending machine in the gift
shop. He ran the tourist trap during the day for profit, but
by night worked tirelessly to locate his brother's hidden
journals and reactivate the portal, hoping to one day
bring him back home.
• Stan is a wise and astute salesman, he is
always creating a tourist trap with
trinkets and taking tours of the so-called
"mysteries". He conducts his business
with astonishing talent and intelligence
• Stan is also manifestly greedy and
selfish. This obsession started when his
father threw him out of the house, and for
the hard and poor life he led after being
• Even though he was considered
unintelligent by his teachers and even his
father, he was able to restore the universe
portal and bring his brother back.
Stan has a deep sense of family loyalty.
Stan is shown to be very protective of
Mabel and Dipper, despite the situations
he puts them in from time to time, he once
faced off against hordes of reanimated
corpses to protect them and walked out of
mayoral elections at a pivotal moment to
rescue the twins who were hanging from
the Mayor Befufftlefumpter monument.
• He has ten weapons in the Hut.
• He Taught A Bear To Drive
• Stanley has a peculiarly good
ability with words, but when it
comes to honesty his skills are
terribly lousy.
• With his skills and strategies he
killed a crew of zombies.
• From what we see Stanley wears a very peculiar hat, well this hat has a mason origin.,
This means that stanley was once a high-level mason and because he has this relation
with religion there are versions where the hat symbol is changed

• In the final episode where Stanley passes his position to Soos to live adventures with
his brother Stanford they live in adventure with a boat called Stan o’ war referring to
the dream of the two when they were children and made a boat with the same name to
venture out and hunt for treasure

• He is 15 minutes younger than his twin brother Ford.

• He was once arrested in Colombia.

• Your car’s license plate says “STNLYMBL”. It is probably na abbreviation for

Stanley Mobile (Stanley Automobile)
Luís Felipe Glauser Lucas

Giovanni Camargo Maruccio

João Henrique Pedroso de Oliveira

The End
Cauã de Andrade Nogueira

Gabriel da Silva

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