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Azam Hisham 11-A

Google’s human resources management

Strategic HR Management: Google's HR department plays a pivotal

role in the company's success by aligning its workforce with its
business goals. The HR team collaborates with the executive team to
develop and execute strategies that support Google's mission and
Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

Google is known for its rigorous hiring process. They use data-
driven methods to identify top talent. This includes evaluating
workers technical skills and assessing their cultural fit and
problem-solving abilities. Google conducts multiple rounds of
interviews, including behavioral interviews and technical
Diversity and Inclusion

Google has made a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Their HR department works on programs and initiatives to
increase diversity in their workforce. They have publicly
disclosed diversity data and set specific goals to improve
diversity, including representation of women and
underrepresented minorities in technical roles.
Onboarding and Training

After they are hired, employees go through a detailed

onboarding process. Google offers various training programs
and resources for continuous learning and development. This
includes technical training as well as soft skills development.
Performance Management

Google uses a performance management system that involves

regular feedback and performance evaluations. They have a system
called "OKRs" (Objectives and Key Results) that helps employees
set clear goals and track their progress. Regular one-on-one
meetings between managers and employees are encouraged to
discuss progress and provide feedback.
Compensation and Benefits

Google is known for its competitive compensation packages,

which often include generous stock options and bonuses. Their
benefits package is comprehensive and includes healthcare,
retirement plans, and various wellness programs. Employees
also have access to on-site gyms, free meals, and other perks.
Employee Engagement

Google places a strong emphasis on employee engagement and

satisfaction. They use surveys to assess employee morale and make
improvements where necessary. Google is also known for its
unique workplace culture, which includes open office spaces and a
relaxed dress code.
Ethical HR Practices

Google's HR department adheres to ethical practices and

ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations in the
countries where they operate.

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