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In Chancery

Focus on the comprehension.


Group # 5
• Abdul Waris Khan (CR)
• Safeerullah
• Shahzaman
• Subtain (Shaaka)

Submitted to,
Miss, Ruqaiya.
• Mr Dickens uses the term 'Chancery' to refer to the
political and legal systems that are at the heart of Britain's
governing processes. Chancery is located in the heart of
the City of London. It includes the Courts, where lawsuits
grind their way slowly through bureaucratic motions and

Setting of scene:

Charles Dickens has tried to visualize the surrounding of the

court in way that court is qualified as heavenly and most
serene thing. The presence of excessive fog, mud and every
other thing presents a heavenly image of court where sinners
are penalized for their sins. By this technique Dickens has
made his reader feel as a part of the situation and reader is
experiencing the time like a participant.
Creating a city and a landscape:
The girl captured interest at the start when she came on scene but soon
as she appeared for second time she losses interest of detective. There were movie
executive who were very excited cheering a conversation and they were moving
their heads very quickly to talk to each other appearing not normal. The unlikely
excitement raises doubts on them because in normal we are not suppose to move
our heads during telephone calls.
Raymond Chandler often uses people to create the atmosphere in his books. These
are not characters; they are more like film extras. We know nothing about them
other than what Marlowe tells us. Chandler also tells us what Marlowe thinks of
them as a way of traveling mere about Marlowe himself.



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