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What Is ANGER ??
Why are we here?
1.Understand the roots of anger
2.Receive support, ideas and feedback from each other
3.Learn skills to deal with/manage anger
4.Therefore improving interpersonal relationships
● A systematic method of cognitively recognizing anger and managing
its effects
● Anger management does not involve getting rid of all anger, but using
anger to enhance your life.
● We can look at the purposes of anger in both positive and negative
“Anyone can become angry. That is
easy. But to be angry with the right
person, to the right degree, at the right
time, for the right purpose and in the
right way – that is not easy.”
Myths About Anger
1. Anger is Inherited
2. Anger automatically leads to aggression
3. People must be aggressive to get what they want
4. Suppressing anger is always desirable
Anger Management Worksheets
How You Handle Anger

⚫How do you usually react when you feel

⚫Think about the last time you reacted in an
unhealthy or negative way to anger.
⚫What happened right before you got angry?
⚫How did you react?
⚫How did you feel after you reacted?
⚫What could you have done instead?
⚫What would happen if you were to react in a
more positive way?

Deeper Understanding
of Anger

1) Understand the basic concept of your mind for anger.
2) Customized anger Management funda.
3) How to overcome from anger.

Behavior Identification
Verbal Behavior

Non Verbal Behavior

Identify Your Type of Anger


Reasons of Anger

Difficult Personality Type

Theory of Violence

Anger Handling
Steps to Anger Management

⚫Identify personal signals of anger

⚫Identify self-talk techniques
⚫Learn problem-solving skills
⚫Learn relaxation skills
Anger Management

⚫Anger Intensifying
⚫ Yelling
⚫ Sulking • Cooling Off Habits
⚫ Pouting – Abdominal Breathing
⚫ Hitting – Count to Ten
⚫ Other Violence – Non-Competitive Exercise
⚫ Competitive Games – Distraction
⚫ Accusations – Humor
⚫ Arguing – Empathy for Other Person
Anger Management
The more I learn to take care of my
anger the more powerful I become.

1. I need to control what I do with my anger.

2. I control how I let my anger out.
3. I practice cooling off.
4. I watch my thoughts.
ABC’s of Anger
⚫ A : Antecedent or Anger Trigger
What stimulated the anger response
⚫ B : Behavior
Reaction provoked by anger
⚫ C : Consequence
What happened as a result of controlling or not controlling one’s anger.
Anger Becomes a Problem When:
Specific person (Classmate, Friends, co-workers or supervisor)
Event (traffic jam, canceled concert or flight, talking trash about your family,

Worrying about personal problems
Memories of traumatic events
Anger Becomes a Problem When:

⚫ Felt too intensely

⚫ Felt too frequently
⚫ Expressed inappropriately
⚫ Words, gestures, contact.
⚫ Results in negative consequences
⚫ Assault, arrest, losing loved ones, termination from college/work.
⚫ Results in negative self confidence
⚫ Guilt, shame, regret.
Differences between
Anger & Aggression

⚫Anger = Feeling
⚫Aggression = Action
⚫Anger is an emotion. It is ok to be angry.
⚫Aggression is acting out inappropriately and is not ok.
⚫ Learn to check your aggression and express your anger appropriately.
Session 4

The Anger Meter

7. * Explosion * Loss of Control
5. * Violence *Negative Consequences
4. * Aggression * YOU LOSE!

• You have a choice

• Anger Control Plan to Avoid “10”
Anger Management Plan
⚫Event: What happened, Degree on Meter
⚫Cues: Ways it affected me
⚫Strategies: What can I do?
⚫List three things you might reasonably want to do but can’t.
⚫List three things you don’t want to do but have to do anyway.
Dealing With My Anger
⚫Express it
⚫Suppress it
⚫Clam yourself
Hidden Heart Activity :-
⚫ Small Balloon is your heart.
⚫ On a paper write your pain, hurt.
⚫ Put that small balloon in to big balloon.
⚫ blow up the large balloon and tie it shut.
⚫ Write on the outside of the balloon how you present yourself to others
on the outside
Physiological and Biological Changes
⚫“Fight or flight” reaction (a natural, adaptive response to threat):
⚫Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
⚫Increase in energy hormones
Anger Management Worksheets
Questions About Your Anger
⚫How do you know when you are angry?
⚫Where in your body do you feel anger? List your physical signs of
being angry.
⚫What is the first sign of anger you notice? List your early warning
signs that tell you when you are starting to become angry.
⚫What makes you angry? List all the things you can think of... all the
way from small annoyances to big problems.

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