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• Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people worldwide. A critical issue in T1D patients
is the managing of Postprandial Glucose Response (PGR), through the dosing of the insulin bolus to inject before meals.
The Artificial Pancreas (AP), combining autonomous insulin delivery and blood glucose monitoring, is a promising
solution. However, state-of-the-art APs require several information for bolus delivery, such as the estimated carbohydrate
intake over the meals. This is mainly related to the limited knowledge of the determinants of PGR. Although meal
carbohydrates are mostly considered as the major factor into, uencing PGR, other food components play a relevant role in
PGRs, and thus, should be taken into account. Based on these considerations, a study to determine the effect of nutritional
factors (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fibers, and energy intake) in the short and middle term on Blood Glucose
Levels (BGLs) prediction was conducted by Machine Learning (ML) methods. AML model able to predict the BGLs after
15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes from the meal leveraging on insulin doses, blood glucose, and nutritional factors in T1D
patients on AP systems was implemented. More specifically, to investigate the impact of the nutritional factors on the
model predictions, a Feed-Forward Neural Network, was fed with several dispositions of BGLs, insulin, and nutritional
factors. Both public and self-produced data were used to validate the proposal. The results suggest that patient-specific
information about nutritional factors can be significant for middle term postprandial BGLs predictions
• In the last years ML has gaining increasing attention in several research fields. Among all the ML techniques available today, ANNs are
having particular success in health-related tasks [26], [27], [28]. In particular, several studies [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36]
have employed ANNs in the prediction of postprandial blood glucose values, using both data from real patients with T1D and data
computer-simulated patients (the latter named virtual patients) [37], such as those obtained with UVA/Padova simulator [38]. For
instance, Pappada et al. [34] analyzed the performance of a Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) model for real-time predictions of
glucose level after 75 minutes (min) from the last input glucose value fed to the network. The adopted FFNN was trained by using an
information set including CGM values, insulin dosages, metered glucose values, nutritional intake, lifestyle, and emotional factors
collected in 17 patients. The performance was assessed on data belonging to 10 patients outside from the training set. The reported
Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) on the whole test set was 43.9 mg/dL±6.5 mg/dL. The study proposed by Zecchin et al. [35]
provided a short-time glucose prediction algorithm that, in addition to past CGM readings, exploits also information on carbohydrate
intakes modeled through a physiological model. The performance of the prediction algorithm was tested both on 20 simulated virtual
patients and on 9 real patients. Results on simulated and real data showed RMSE was 14.0 mg/dL ± 4.1 mg/dL for real data and 9.4
mg/dL ± 1.5 mg/dL for simulated data, considering 30 min as prediction horizon (PH). Li et al. [36] proposed a convolutional recurrent
neural network for the prediction of blood glucose values with PHs of 30 and 60 min. The adopted network model consisted of two
parts: a multilayer convolutional neural network followed by a recurrent neural network with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells.
Datasets were composed both of T1D virtual and real patients with CGM sensors. Reported RMSE for real data were 21.07 mg/dL ±
2.35 mg/dL with a PH = 3

•Data Requirements: Developing accurate prediction models requires a substantial amount of high-
quality data, including blood glucose measurements and detailed dietary information, which might not be
easily accessible or readily available.
•Model Complexity: Developing effective machine learning models for blood glucose prediction
involves dealing with complex interactions between nutritional factors, physical activity, insulin dosages,
and other variables, leading to potentially complex models that are difficult to interpret.
•Individual Variability: People with type 1 diabetes exhibit significant variability in their blood glucose
responses to the same nutritional inputs, making it challenging to build models that consistently
generalize across individuals.
•Ethical and Privacy Concerns: Handling sensitive health data, such as blood glucose levels and
dietary habits, raises ethical and privacy concerns that need to be carefully addressed, especially when
using data for research purposes.
•Clinical Validation: Ensuring the clinical validity and reliability of machine learning-based predictions is
crucial before integrating these predictions into actual diabetes management practices.
•Model Overfitting: Due to the complex and noisy nature of health data, there's a risk of models
overfitting to the training data, leading to poor generalization and inaccurate predictions on new data.
• In this work, a ML-based system, via FFNN [47], for postprandial blood glucose prediction at
different PHs in T1D patients is proposed. The proposed model was developed leveraging on the
results reported in [24] and [25]. In particular, based on the former, a 30 min window of blood
glucose values and 8 associated statistical attributes were considered as input. Specifically, the
statistics computed were minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, difference between highest
and lowest, median, kurtosis, and skewness. Furthermore, on the basis of [25], the number of outputs
was set equal to the number of PHs to investigate. In the present study, 4 prediction horizons in the
short and middle time were considered to predict blood glucose values, i.e. 15, 30, 45, 60 min. A grid
search strategy was implemented to set the number of hidden layers and neurons of the FFNN.
Finally, a model that predicts at different PHs of interestwas obtained. A preliminary experiment on
DirectNet data was carried out to assess the performance of the proposed system in blood glucose
predictions. Once validated on DirectNet data, the proposed model was applied to the self-produced
AI4PG dataset. In order to investigate the impact of nutritional factors in postprandial glycemic
response, several input configurations were tested. More in detail, nine scenarios were considered.
1. Personalized Treatment: Machine learning models can capture individualized patterns in blood glucose response
to nutritional intake, leading to personalized treatment recommendations for patients with type 1 diabetes.
2. Real-time Monitoring: ML-based prediction models can provide real-time blood glucose predictions based on
current and historical nutritional data, enabling better management of diabetes on a day-to-day basis.
3. Reduced Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia: Accurate blood glucose predictions can help patients avoid
dangerous situations of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), leading to
improved overall health and quality of life.
4. Data-Driven Insights: ML models can uncover complex relationships between nutritional factors and blood
glucose levels that might not be immediately apparent, providing valuable insights for both patients and healthcare
5. Patient Empowerment: Providing patients with the ability to predict the effects of different foods on their blood
glucose levels empowers them to make informed dietary choices and take proactive steps in diabetes management.
• System : Pentium i3 Processor.
• Hard Disk : 500 GB.
• Monitor : 15’’ LED
• Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
• Ram : 4 GB

• Operating system : Windows 10.

• Coding Language : Python
• Web Framework : Flask
• 1. Data Collection and Preprocessing: This module involves collecting relevant data, including
blood glucose measurements, nutritional intake, insulin dosage, physical activity, and other
relevant variables. The collected data would then undergo preprocessing, including data
cleaning, normalization, and feature extraction to prepare it for model training.
• 2. Feature Engineering: Feature engineering involves selecting and transforming the relevant
features from the collected data that will be used as inputs to the machine learning models. This
could include creating features that represent meal content, carbohydrate count, meal timing,
insulin sensitivity, exercise intensity, and other factors that influence blood glucose levels.
• 3
• . Machine Learning Models: This module encompasses the development of machine learning
models that predict blood glucose levels based on the input features. Different types of models
could be employed, such as regression models (linear regression, support vector regression, etc.),
time-series models (LSTM, GRU), or ensemble methods.
• 4. Model Training and Validation: In this module, the machine learning models are trained
using historical data with known blood glucose measurements. Training involves optimizing the
model's parameters to minimize prediction errors. Model validation techniques, such as cross-
validation, ensure the models generalize well to new data.
• 5. Nutritional Impact Estimation: This module focuses on interpreting the machine learning
models to understand the impact of different nutritional factors on blood glucose levels. It might
involve analyzing feature importances, partial dependence plots, and other techniques to gain
insights into the relationships between dietary choices and blood glucose responses.
• 6. Real-time Prediction and Monitoring: Once the model is trained and validated, it can be
used for real-time blood glucose prediction. This module takes in the current and upcoming
nutritional information, insulin dosage, and other variables, and provides a predicted blood
glucose level for a certain time horizon.
• 7. User Interface and Feedback: A user-friendly interface allows patients to input their meals,
insulin doses, and other relevant information. The interface could display predicted blood
glucose levels and offer suggestions for managing blood sugar, including meal adjustments and
insulin dosages.
• 8. Personalized Recommendations: Based on the predicted blood glucose levels and historical
data, this module provides personalized recommendations to the user on adjusting their
nutritional choices, insulin dosages, or physical activity to achieve target blood glucose levels.
• The aim of this research work was to experimentally investigate the impact of nutritional factors on the capability to
obtain postprandial BGL predictions, in the short and middle term after a meal, by machine learning methods. In
particular, the impact of nutritional factors such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and fibres, as well as meal energy
intake, on postprandial blood glucose response was investigated. A series of experiments to predict BGLs was carried out
on the self-produced AI4PG dataset containing both CGM measurements and meal nutritional factors of a set of patients.
Experiments were made using a Feed Forward Neural Network model as predictor. Initially, the model was validated with
a preliminary experiments on the well-Known DirectNet dataset, obtaining performance results comparable with the
current literature. Next, an analysis on the prediction performance on the AI4PG was conducted, taking into account also
several nutritional factors as input. In particular, nutritional factors were considered individually as inputs to the proposed
system to the aim of investigating the impact of each of them. Furthermore, a final experiment on the adoption of all the
nutritional factors together as input was investigated. The results suggested that information about nutritional factors can
be significant for middle-term postprandial BGL predictions, but these information have to be used in a subject dependent
way. This approach is in agreement with a patient centered vision to support precision medicine. Hence, a customized
system is required to meet the individual needs of the subject. The recent literature already proposed some prototypes of
personalized devices [60]. On the other hand, an alternative machine learning strategy could be based on transferring the
knowledge among different inter-subjective datasets, such as in the case of Transfer Learning methods (e.g., [61], [62]).

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