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The aims of

linguocountry studies
 Today, the knowledge of a foreign
language is prestigious. Foreign
languages are absolutely necessary
for people in every country, because
of growing international contacts.
Important role in maintaining the
motivation to study a foreign
language in the classroom is the
introduction of elements of
Lingo-country material is a powerful lever for creating and maintaining interest in the
study of foreign languages, and serves as a support to maintain motivation, because
includes two aspects:
 1) learning foreign language;
 2) provides information about the country. Thanks to a country materials people
get acquainted with realities of the country of studied language, receive additional
knowledge in the field of geography, stories, cultures, educations, etc.
 Progressing development of the international contacts and communications in policy, economy, culture and
other areas causes consecutive orientation of a modern technique of training in foreign languages on real
conditions of communication. Aspect of foreign language teaching methodology, which investigated the
methods familiarize learners with a new culture for them, called linguo-country study. Linguo-country aspect
at an early stage of learning is reflected in the goals and objectives of foreign language teaching and in the
content and methods of education, which provides the possibility of work to form the background knowledge
of the country with the first steps.
 In the study of a foreign language learner faces a number of facts, relating not
only to the vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, or style, but also to areas of social,
domestic or historical. Correct use or understanding of certain words or phrases
sometimes requires knowledge of their origin, the situations in which they can be
used, or the basic information from the history, literature, and political reality of
the country the language is spoken. Thus, the generally accepted conclusion was
the need for a thorough knowledge of the specifics of the language is spoken, and
thus the need of country approaches as one of the main principles of language
 Teaching a foreign language is not
conceived without culture
commenting, so in the first place,
along with oral language extends
introduction to the realities of the
language is spoken.

The main purpose of linguo-country study is providing

communicative competence in international communication,
especially through adequate speech perception companion and
source texts, designed for native speakers.
Linguo-country study provides the solution of a number of
problems, in particular, the main philological problem of
adequate understanding of the text, so it serves as a basis not
only linguistic didactics, and translation.
Linguocountry studies aims to study the language units that most clearly reflect the
national characteristics of the culture of the native speaker and the environment of its
existence. The need for social selection and study of language units, which most clearly
show the uniqueness of national culture and which cannot be understood as native
speakers understand them, is felt in all cases of communication with foreigners, when
reading fiction, journalism, the press, when watching movies and videos, when listening
to songs, etc.
The number of lexical units that have a
pronounced national cultural semantics
includes names:
 1. Realia - the designation of objects or phenomena that are characteristic of one
culture and absent in another;
 2. Connotative vocabulary, i.e. words that match the main meaning, but differ in
cultural and historical associations;
 3. Background vocabulary that denotes objects and phenomena that have
analogues in the culture being compared, but differ in some national peculiarities
of functioning, form, purpose of objects, etc.
One important problem of linguo-country study as an aspect of
foreign language teaching is that of selection linguo-country
material for study. Materials are linguo-country texts in a foreign
language, which must be:
 • authenticity, which is a speech products generated in real
communication situations in the society whose language is being
 • current, i.e. to reflect the present stage of social and role
interaction communicants;
 • typical, that is, is a standardized speech works, reproduced in
recurring situations of communication.

Basic requirements for the tests:

• availability of the content of the material used;
• simple in structure;
• save time for its implementation;
• easy checking the assignment;
 The use of country-specific information in the learning process provides an
increase in the cognitive activity of students, considers their communication
capabilities, promotes their communication skills and abilities, as well as positive
motivation, and gives an incentive to work independently on the language.
 The main purpose of learning a foreign language is the development of the
personality in close connection with teaching the culture of the country of the
target language, contributing to students’ willingness to participate in intercultura
communication and to continuously develop their skills.
Thank you for your attention!

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