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Quantum Technologies Status

by GÉANT Association (2021)
Questions asked
- What are the technological applications of the principles of quantum mechanics?

- What are the different initiatives and programmes, regarding quantum technology,
in Europe and overseas?

- What are the NRENs’ interest and activities with quantum technologies and what
challenges and issues do they identify?
Unasked questions
- Why do NREN’s (and quantum initiatives in general) find it difficult to connect
and collaborate with one another, and how can this collaboration be promoted?

- What exactly means that “QKD system devices are already commercially
available”? What is their degree of success and their level of rentability?

- Why do quantum repeaters need “a lot of (technical) development of the


- The survey for the NREN’s was carried out in two stages: first there was an online
survey which was then followed up by direct interviews as a second stage.

- There aren't any copies of the survey.


- Research in QKD infrastructure is gaining importance, and many vendors are

interested in providing commercial operational solutions.

- It is important for NRENs to be part of the research and deployment activities, and
actively participate in operational trials and use cases.

- It is important that each NREN determines its own quantum strategy.

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