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Use grammatical

signals or expressions
suitable to each
pattern of idea
Transition Words
• First. They are used to show relationship between
ideas. The transition words are like bridges between
ideas in your sentences or paragraphs.
• Second.They are connectors that help you arrange
your ideas so that your readers will easily understand
your sentences or your paragraphs.
• The use of transitions, signal words or expressions can reveal a
particular pattern of development. They show the relationship
between or among ideas. These signal words or expressions are
commonly used when showing the relationship between these
patterns of idea development:
•• General to Particular or Specific
•• Claims and Counterclaims
•• Problem – Solution
•• Cause and Effect
1.General –to – Particular or Specific
• It
is a pattern of development that begins with a
general idea or statement and is followed by specific
details to support or explain it.
The signal words used in this pattern are:
for example such as like that is
namely in fact for instance
 Many people prefer a particular type of car; for example sports car are very
 Courses, such as engineering and accountancy require mathematical
 They have provided us medical needs like medicines, gloves, and masks.
 The officers gave us instructions, that is to stay at home, and always wash our
 She is the most beautiful in class, in fact, she has been nominated as our muse.
 I accompany my best friends, namely, Janice, Trish, and Mica at the mall.
 There are times that I am quiet, for instance, I am not feeling well, or
sometimes I am not in a mood.
The Problem – Solution Pattern
The Problem – Solution Pattern is one method of organization, composed of
two main sections: (1.) the problem and (2) the solution. The Problem-Solution
pattern is used in persuasive writing with the aim to:
• a. convince the reader to support a certain course of action and
• b. make the reader change his/her opinion or behavior by showing that a
problem exists, then providing a solution.
• In the problem section, the writer aims to identify the different sides of the
problem being discussed and offer the evidence for these problems.
• The common signal words or expressions used in this pattern are the
• The problem is The question is a difficulty is
•Most of our rivers have been polluted, the
problem is people do not know how to
discipline themselves in throwing their garbage
at the river.
•Students knew that life would be harder when
you have not finished your studies, the
question is, why despite knowing it, most of
the students are still not putting much effort to
pursue their education.
•Students have not passed their summative
tests, a difficulty is they do not know how to
construct sentences.
•In the solution section, on the other hand, the
writer aims to identify a possible solution and
support the effectiveness of the solution over
the others.
•The common signal words or expressions
used in this pattern are the following:
•one solution/answer is to solve
A solution next
•One answer/solution is
•One answer/solution is
The government health agency is controlling
the number of infected people with covid 19,
one solution is to lockdown the community to
prevent transmission.
•Tosolve a solution next
There are people who do not want to be
vaccinated. To solve a solution next is to
have a medical mission in the areas with low
numbers of vaccinated people to educate
them more about the importance of
People have been afraid of going to
hospitals when having a symptom of
Covid 19, obviously/clearly, they are
afraid that they might get tested positive
and stay at the hospital to be
Cause And Effect
•Cause And Effect as a pattern of
paragraph development is used to show the
relationship between ideas, topics etc. It
describes one event influenced a later event
or what caused event to take place.
•The following are the signal words for
cause and effect:
As a result because therefore due to
If…then thus
Example: Cause: I have noticed instability of
economy today;
Effect: because of this prices of
commodities fluctuate
The supply of gasoline and diesel decreases
because of war between Ukraine and Russia, as
a result, its price increases over time.
You have not complied all your activities,
therefore you might not passed my subject or
you might get a low grade.
The supply of pork went down due to swine flu.
If you have studied hard, then you will pass my
I always accomplish my module on time, thus, I
received an academic award this school year.
• Direction:Identify the transition words in the following sentences, Then, tell its
function in the sentence. Write your answer in your activity notebook

1. The man had lost his leg; therefore, he could not walk without ease.

2. During the time of pandemic, his wife left him. As a result, he became very

3. Due to ECQ, people can’t go out from their houses without a travel pass.

4. I believe that selling junk foods is profitable; however, junk foods are bad for the
5. Many believe that back riding should be allowed to married couples who have been living
together, but Interior Secretary Eduardo Ano explains that back riding cannot ensure the health
safety of the riders against CoVid-19 infection.

6. According to the president, the “No Back Ride Policy” shall be retained unless no new cases of
corona virus is reported.

7. Online classes require the use of gadgets like tablet, personal computer, laptop and cellular

8. During the time of ECQ, many lost their jobs and had nothing to eat specially families with
low income. To solve this, the president asked the Senate and House of Representative to pass a
bill and signed into law a program that will help those who are low income families through the
Social Amelioration Program.

9. A careless corona virus positive went to a mall; as a result, many people were infected.
10. Fruits rich with vitamin C namely orange, guava, lemon, and mango should be included in
our diet.
•Directions: Study the following sentences.
Identify the general idea and the specific
idea. Also, give the appropriate signal words
used. Write your answer in your activity
1. During the enhanced community quarantine,
the barangay officials distributed different kinds
of relief goods such as rice, canned goods,
noodles and coffee.
2. Virtues like patience and discipline are
necessary during this difficult time.

3.There was a shortage of medical supplies

namely personal protective equipment,
surgical facemasks and alcohol during the first
month of ECQ.
4. People were instructed to stay home during the
community quarantine; in fact, no one was allowed
to go out without a pass slip.
5. The Department of Education strategized another
way of delivering lessons to students during this
time of pandemic; for instance is the use of the
internet or the use of self-learning kits.
Directions: Read each sentence/ passage below.
BOX the problems, ENCIRCLE the solution in
each. Next, UNDERLINE the signal or transition
word used.
1.Television signal in some far flung provinces is
difficult, one answer is the use of cable tv, or tv
box for clearer reception of television signal.
2.In the early 1800s, needed room to grow. The
problem was most people lived in the East. The cities
are crowded. New land was expensive. Young families
couldn’t afford to buy farms. Then, as a solution, the
government purchased land from France. The
government also acquired lands from Mexico. Soon the
country stretched all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
3. The National Park is in danger! The problem is
a plant called kudzu threatens the park’s ecosystem.
Kudzu, a plant that is also called “the vine that ate
the South” grows so fast and few animals eat it. It
can grow a foot at night! It grows even after it has
been treated with herbicide or plant killer. Kudzu
may kill native plants and trees because it grows
right over them.
It takes the sunlight plants need to live. Then
trucks came to the park. The trucks were there to
build a road. Obviously, the park guards cut
kudzu from growing. They apply herbicide to the
plants huge root. They could bring goats because
goats eat kudzu. But goats also eat native plants.
Solving the kudzu problem will be tricky.
Directions: Write the appropriate signal words and the effect
for each statement of cause below.
1. I have slept very late these past days,
2. Ana should never have quit her job,
_____________________________________________________ .
3. Gemma received the best birthday gift
4. The weather is unpredictable
5. His employer approved his request for a three-day vacation
6. The new ordinance will be implemented in the province
7.The beneficiaries of 4Ps already got their monthly allowance
8. The student was not able to pass his project on time
9. His head aches the whole day
10. Mother cooked delicious meals everyday

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