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 Wear_____________
 Inspect hair (natural color)
 AbN:
 _______________________– nutritional
 _____________________in African-
American children is caused by severe
 ______________– hair loss which may be
diffuse, patchy or total
 Sparse hair – hypothyroidism
 Fine, silky hair – hyperthyroidism
 Terms : __________________– round/oval
patches of hair loss
 : ___________________– hair loss d/t pulling,
plucking or twisting hair
 Excessive hair loss d/t infection,
_________________, ___________disorders,
_____________diseases, drug toxicity, hepatic or
renal failure; or_____________________.
 Patchy hair loss – infection of the scalp, SLE
 Note presence of ______________________by
parting the hair
 N: scalp free from flaking, with no signs
 AbN: excessive scaliness
 raised lesions (______________________)
 Inspect amount _______________
 N: characteristic hair distribution over body
asso.with _______________function
 AbN: hirsutism : excessive hairiness
 Lifespan considerations

 It is normal for infants to have either very little or a

great deal of body and scalp hair
 Lifespan considerations
 As puberty approaches,
___________________hair will appear
 Lifespan considerations

 There may be loss of

 Hairs of the ____________________________-
become bristle –like and coarse
 1. Assemble equipment and supplies:
 2. do handwashing
 3. provide privacy
 assessment:
 1. Inspect uniformity of skin ______________
 2. Assess _____________if present
 3. Inspect, palpate and describe skin lesions, Apply gloves if
lesions are open and draining
 4.Observe and palpate ________________
 5. Palpate skin temperature. Compare________________________
using the ________________
 6. note skin _____________________
 7.Document location of skin lesions on
___________________( drawing)
 Assessing the Hair:
 1. Inspect the evenness of growth over the scalp
 2. Inspect hair texture and oiliness
 3. Note presence of infections or infestations by
parting the hair in several areas and checking
behind the ears and along the hairline at the neck
 4. Inspect amount of body hair.

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