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Marching Towards War

How was Europe moving closer to war?

War on the Horizon

Build up military to show strength

Rise of
1)Rapid mobilization plans in place for war
Militarism 2)Glorify military service

The Alliances form due to mistrust

Alliance 1)Germany forms alliances to isolate France
System 2) Britain & France see Germany as a threat

Race for land and resources

Rise of
1) Lack of trust due to Berlin Conf (Scrm for Africa)
Imperialism 2) Rising tension over who dominates new territories

Rivalry amongst European Powers

Rise of
1)Declining empires need to rebuild
Nationalism 2) New countries want to become great powers
The Alliance System
• “As long as France has no allies, they pose no danger to us” – Otto
von Bismarck
The Triple Alliance (1882)

1) Germany 2) Austria-Hungary 3)3)Russia

•Bismarck fired by new Kaiser Wilhelm II, treaty w/ Russia
lapses, Italy takes Russia’s place
The Triple Entente (1907)

1) France 2) Russia 3) Great Britain

- Russia joins France
- Britain joins in 1907, see new Kaiser Wilhelm II as a threat
Triple Alliance Triple Entente
Powder Keg of Europe
• By 1910, most countries in Balkans won their independence from the
declining Ottoman Empire
• Serbia wants to unite Slavic countries in Balkans into one nation
• Russia, who was also Slavic speaking supports Serbia
• Austria-Hungary opposes Serbia, fears Slavs in A-H could revolt
• 1908: Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia, can’t join with Serbia
• Serbs vow to take Bosnia away, Austrians vow to crush any Serbian
• Despite warnings [Bosnia is a “powder keg”] Austrian Archduke visits
•June 28th, 1914: Archduke Franz
Ferdinand and his wife Sofia are
assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia

•killed by a Serbian Nationalist

named Gavrilo Princip

• GP member of underground group

called Young Bosnia, affiliated with
Black Hand

•Discuss: Why would Austria-Hungary

blame Serbia for what happened?

Black Hand

Franz Ferdinand’s Funeral

• A-H presents list of demands to Serbia, Serbia agrees to most, A-H
refused to negotiate further, declares war on Serbia
• Russia, ally of Serbia begins mobilizing troops
• Britain, Italy & Germany ask Austria-Hungary & Russia to negotiate
• No negotiations! Because of alliance treaties most of Europe could
dragged into the Great War!

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