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Group No.

1. ME-19242 ABSAR AHMED (Group Leader) 3. ME-19227 TALHA AHMED (Group Member)
2. ME-19240 HUZAIFA IFTIKHAR(Group Member) 4. ME-19226 ZAKI AHMED (Group Member)

Problem Statement Brief Summary

This complex engineering problem aims to According to the dataset the emission tells that the
reduce the carbon footprint of car emissions. SUVs produce more co2 emission then other cars.
using the given data can analyze the emissions of all
The dataset contains the details of CO2
cars and we can also predict the future emissions.
emissions by a vehicle which can vary with
the different features. Predictive Analysis
Steps And Procedure
Descriptive Analysis 1) A unique dataset was formed to handle missing data
2) Corelated columns were deleted by using the drop
command and the columns were renamed
3) Categorical encoding was done to refine dataset
4) The model trained was Linear Regression which is a type of
supervised learning

The x-axis typically represents the predicted values, while the

y-axis represents the true values. Points on the plot represent
individual data points, and the ideal case is for the points to
align on the y=x line, indicating that the model's predictions
are accurate and match the true values..
The dashboard presents that most of the emission was Sustainable Development Goals And AI
produced by the SUV class on regular gasoline as the fuel UN SDG No. 11 -This includes reducing urban poverty, promoting access to
consumed by the SUV's were the highest. In comparison safe and affordable housing, and improving the living environment for all
special purpose vehicle produce minimal amount of residents
UN SDG No. 13 -This includes improving education, awareness-raising and
emission consuming less fuel. By selecting any variable human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation,
will show the adjacent values only. impact reduction and early warning

Problem Statement How was the problem approached and

a. It should be able to detect the temperature and solved?
report it on the IoT dashboard. 1. A temperature sensor used to collect the data
b. If the temperature increases to a certain
2. Connecting the sensor to NodeMcu to read
temperature, then a fan should turn on automatically
sensor data and control the fan
Brief Summary 3. According to code NodeMcu reads sensor data
According to assign task, a temperature sensor was and turns on fan when the optimum temp is
installed to continuously monitor the temp. As the reached
temp increases the desired value, the connected fan IoT Dashboard
turns on automatically.
Schematic Diagram

Dashboard shows the data of the connected variable

Here the temp and humidity real time data is shown
in form of gauges ang graph with time configuration
Connections: Future Recommendations & Impact of
• Connect Power pin (VCC) of HC-SR04 to pin 3V3
on the NodeMCU board Project

• Relay input pin is connected to D2 The system could be expanded to include additional
• Relay connected to normally open features such as a display to show the current
• DHT data pin is connected to D5 temperature, a user interface to adjust the
temperature threshold, or even integration with a
smart home system for remote control.

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