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It is important to learn their use and application.
These are the stances you will find in traditional karate,
required in all katas, and part of the foundation of the
system. These are required from white to black belt and
can be divided by:
• High Stances
• Intermediate Stances
• Low Stances
• Front Stances
• Side Stances

It is important to learn their use and application.

These stances are part of the foundation of Karate, you
might have strong punches and powerful kicks but if you
do not have a good stance a good sweep and you’re
down. Stances are important for your Katas.

• Sokutsu Dachi
• Kiba Dachi –Horse Stance
• Kake Dachi
• Shiko Dachi –Sumo Stance
• Zenkutso Dachi – Front Stance
• Neko Ashi Dachi – Cat Stance
• Fudo Dachi-
• Kokutso Dachi - Backward Leaning Stance
Kokutso Dachi
• The back foot in Kokutsu Dachi rests on all its extension
the edge or outer edge of the foot as well as in the
metatarsus, but the forward foot although it must touch
the ground the support is done with the fingers, not
with the heel.
• The back foot in Kokutsu Dachi rests on all its extension
the edge or outer edge of the foot as well as in the
metatarsus, but the forward foot although it must touch
the ground the support is done with the fingers, not
with the heel.
Fudo Dachi – immovable Stance
• Fudo Dachi is also known as the “Immovable Stance”.
• This stance makes blocking and counter-attacking very
effective as it allows us to use our hips fluently. In the
same way, it allows us to quickly go from Fudo Dachi to
Zenkutsu Dachi when making a counterattack.
• The weight distribution in this stance is 50% on your
left leg and 50 on your right leg. Your body is centered
always keeping your back straight.
• This stance is considered to be a combination between
Kiba Dachi and Zenkutsu Dachi.
Neko Ashi Dachi
• This stance is known as the cat stance in
traditional Karate.
• Neko Ashi Dachi in traditional karate there was a division
among teachers regarding this position, some claimed
that it was basically a shorter Dachi kokutsu, where the
weight of the body was overloaded on the delayed leg.

Neko Ashi Dachi step by step

• Begin from a natural stance or heisoku dachi
• Move your right foot back at a 45-degree angle
• Lower your body keeping your back straight
• Rest your front foot on the ball the foot
Zenkutsu Dachi
• Zenkutso Dachi is a strong stance perfect for blocking and
punching. It always was seen in Karate Katas. For this stance
your back has to be straight, you cannot be sideways and
your feet are facing forward. Most of your weight is on the
front leg for a good and strong base to support a
counterattack. 60% of your weight is on your front leg and
40% on your back leg.
• You can use this stance to block and counter-attack in a
straight line, this will provide you with a strong reach when
you align your body.
• This stance can give you great support with any punch or
Shiko Dachi
• Shiko Dachi stands as a distinct stance with significant
differentiating features from other stances like Kiba
Dachi. Recognized as the Sumo stance in Western
cultures, it showcases an open-footed position with a
45° outward angle. Practitioners benefit from increased
stability, improved lower body strength, enhanced
agility, and heightened body awareness. By delving into
the intricacies of Shiko Dachi, martial artists can unlock
their potential for honing their skills and achieving
martial excellence.
• Soto, P. (2021). Shotokan Karate. Retrieved from
• Singh, J. (n.d). The Martial Way | Budo. Retrieved from

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