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a t i s f a c t i o n a n d

s t o m e r V a l u e , S
C re a t i n g C u
L o y a l t y
Table of contents
01 Customer Perceived Value
04 Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

02 Total Customer Satisfaction

05 Cultivating Customer Relationship

03 Monitoring Satisfaction
06 Customer Databases and Database
Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty

In marketing, customer value is the perceived benefit that a customer

gains from a product or service. It's different for every customer, and it's
based on their individual needs and preferences. Customer satisfaction
is how happy a customer is with a product or service. Finally, customer
loyalty is a customer's willingness to continue buying from a company
in the future. Basically, customer value and satisfaction lead to
customer loyalty.
s t o m e r P e r c e i v e d
C r perceived value is the idea
that c u st o meVrs j a
u d l
g eut h e
e v a l u e o f a

v i c e b a s eir own
e d o n t h
p ro d u c t o r se r
p e r i e n c e s , ra t h e r
c e p t i o n s a n d e x
pe r
b j e c t i v e fa c t s .
than on o
Factors that influence customer perceived value

Product Quality Brand Reputation

Price Product Features

Customer Service Ease of Use

Total Customer Satisfaction
Total customer satisfaction includes how
customers feel about all aspects of a company,
including the product, the customer service, the
brand, and even the company's mission and
It's more about how customers feel about the
company as a whole.
i n g S a t i sf a c t i o n
Mon i t o r
T )! T h i s m e t r i c
i o n S c o r e (C S A in t
S a t is fa c t e c i f i c p o
Customer om e r s a t i s fa c t io n a t a s p
me a s ur e s c u s t e r a t ra n s a c t io n
s u a l ly ri g h t a ft
in ti m e , u
Maximizing Customer Lifetime
Maximizing customer lifetime value (CLV) is a
really important goal for many companies. CLV
is a prediction of the total revenue a company
can reasonably expect from a single customer
Cultivating Customer Relationships

Cultivating customer relationships is a really important part of

maximizing CLV. There are lots of different ways to cultivate
customer relationships, but the most important thing is to
understand your customers. You need to know what they want
and need, and then you can offer them things that will make
them happy.
Customer Databases and Database
Customer Database
Databases Marketing
Customer databases are systems Database marketing is a type of
that companies use to store and marketing that uses this customer
organize information about their data to create targeted marketing
customers. This information can campaigns. It's a way for
include things like contact companies to better understand
information, purchase history, and their customers and provide them
demographics. with relevant offers.
n a M . Ta b a s o n
e po rt e d b y : Al o

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