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주거 - housing

구조 - structure
체험 - experience
가치관 - values
정부 - information
Detached House


Country house
Apartment Villa
Hanok is a traditional Korean house. There are people who still
live in hanok these days. There are many hanoks in Seoul:
Bukchon, Jeonju, and Andong.
People who love nature leave the crowded city and live in
country houses.
Many Koreans live in apartment and villas because it is easier
to manage and safer to live.
building/ apartment
풍경 - wind chime
마루 - floor 장독대 - pot stand
항아리 - jar
온돌방 - hot-floored room 보일러 - boiler
아궁이 - fireplace 난방 - heating room
바닥 - floor
주방 - kitchen
냉장 - refrigerator
보관하다 - to store
환영하다 -welcome
현관 - entrance
세탁기 -washing machine
다용도실 - utility room
재할용품 - appliances
음식물 - food and drink
쓰레기통 - trash bin
넓다 - wide
거실 - living room
형태 - form
화장실 - comfort room
현관 - entrance
침대 - bed
베란다 = veranda
창 -window
햇빛 - sunlight
빨래 - laundry
화분 -flowerpot
하숙집 - boarding house

자취 - to live apart
보증금 - deposit
조명 - lighting
실내 - interior
밝다 -brightness
Lid of toilet bowl
should be in diagonal
Symbol of money
direction with the door
Keep it closed

Keep it bright and clean sofa
should be in diagonal
direction with the entrance

Living room
Study room/ reading room It is better if empty
should be in diagonal
direction with the door


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