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“Value Education for

Consciousness Transformation”

- Jeevan Vidya, ‘Coexistence’


Faclitator: Shriram Narasimhan

Based on the Coexistential Philosophy (Madhyasth Darshan) by A.Nagraj -
Module 1:
Identifying the Questions of life

Chapter 3:
How do I live?

Lecture 11: Acceptance for resolution

Conclusion from last lecture
• Our individual and collective focus today: in education, as a
society is not on having ‘Understanding’.
• We are largely focused on the study, consumption & accumulation
of material-things.
• Our material dimension is predominant– we are ignoring the
important intellectual and behavioral dimensions of living – This is
called ‘being materialistic’.
• We need to have ‘understanding’ in order to be resolved & have
solutions to our living. This results in happiness & prosperity
Our Acceptance for Resolution in living
• The ‘three aspects of coexistence’ we need to understand in order
to fulfill our ‘aspects of living’ together describe our complete
• Further, each one of us wants to live without conflicts or
contradictions in all these aspects.
• In order to ensure that what we’ve just inferred isn’t a forced
notion, let us take a moment to validate our statements.
• We shall use the method of verification
Our Acceptance for Resolution in living
We will check whether the proposal we have made above is:
• Step1: Naturally Acceptable to us as humans and natural to nature
(without referring to what we have previously read or heard) – via
Scrutiny (निरीक्षण)
• Step2: Consider it in all aspects and see whether it makes sense as
whole – via Examination.(परिक्षण)
• Step3: Validate whether it leads to fulfillment in our living and
whether it is the same for all Humans (Universal) – via Living &
Survey.(सर्वेक्षण )
Our Acceptance for Resolution in living
Ask yourself the following
• Do I want conflicts or contradiction within myself?
• Do I want conflict or contradiction in family?
• Do I want conflict or contradiction in society?
• Do I want conflict or contradiction with nature?
The answer is straightforward & instantaneous No! Each one of us accepts only
o live in harmony within ourselves
o live with harmony in family
o live with harmony in society
o live with harmony with nature
Our Acceptance for Resolution in living
We can note that in essence there are three choices before us:
1. Do I desire conflict /contradiction in some aspect of my life? OR,
2. Do I desire to only avoid conflict /contradiction in any aspect of my
3. Do I desire order/harmony/ synergy in every aspect of my life?
It is clear to us that we definitely do not want option 1/2 above! This is
a very important insight into ourselves!
• We do not accept conflict/contradiction,
• We do not want to merely avoid conflict/contradiction.
• We desire order/harmony/synergy in all aspects of our living.
Our Acceptance for Resolution in living
Each one of us can thus see that we want to
• understand and live in order/harmony within ourselves
• understand and live in order/harmony in family
• understand and live in order/harmony in society
• understand and live in order/harmony in nature/existence
We will understand all the above four in upcoming Lectures/Chapters
• We need to have ‘understanding’ in order to have resolution, and
hence happiness
• We do not have understanding today. We have, and live with
incomplete views/Assumptions in the 3 aspects of our living
(intellectual, behavioural, material).
• Living with such incomplete views or assumptions leads to
problems/conflict in living, and this results in unhappiness,
discontentment, deprivation, etc
• This is because these assumptions can be right, or they can be
• We are mostly unaware of our own assumptions!
• Since we are not even aware that we have such assumptions, we
have obviously not verified these assumptions for ourselves. We
haven’t checked if our own assumptions are naturally acceptable to
us, whether they are true.
• As a result, whenever we interact with people & material things
based on wrong assumptions or incomplete views, it lead to
• Our individual and collective focus today: in education, as a
society is not on having ‘Understanding’. We are largely focused
on the material dimension. We are ignoring the important
intellectual and behavioral aspects of living
• Our education has ended becoming a requirement solely to get a
job or a business, from which we get money, which in turn gives us
material things.
• We assume that having material things and a good job or business
is sufficient to live life, but this is not true. We need to have
We need to have ‘understanding of Coexistence’ in order to be
resolved & have solutions to our living. This results in happiness &
This is thus our Purpose/or Program of Living
• Understand myself (Human)
• Understand & live in Human relationships - in Family, Society
• Understand & live in relationship with Nature
• Understand Nature & Existence

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