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The Majapahit Kingdom:

Jewel of
Southeast Asia
(1293 A.D.–1527 A.D.)

Unveiling the Glorious Past Raden Wijaya,

founder of the Majapahit King
The Team




Table of contents
01 Introduction
07 Trade

02 Historical context
08 Art & Architecture

03 Territory & Location

09 Decline

04 Administration
10 Legacy

05 Religion & Culure

11 Conclusion

06 Economy
12 References
Historical Context
• Origin
•Majapahit Kingdom was founded in 1293 by Raden Wijaya. He was a prince of
the Singhasari Kingdom, which had been defeated by the Mongols in 1292.

•Wijaya allied himself with the Mongols and helped them to defeat the
remnants of the Singhasari Kingdom. However, once the Mongols had left
Java, Wijaya turned against them and declared himself the ruler of the
Majapahit Kingdom.

•The Majapahit Kingdom reached its peak of power in the 14th and 15th
centuries under the rule of kings such as Hayam Wuruk and Gajah Mada.
• Maharaja
• 1429 A.D. –1447 A.D.
• 1293 A.D. –1309 A.D. Suhita
Raden Wijaya • 1447 A.D. –1451 A.D.
• 1309 A.D. –1328 A.D. Kertawijaya
Jayanegara • 1451 A.D. –1453 A.D.
• 1328 A.D. –1350 A.D. Rajasawardhana
Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi • 1456 A.D. –1466 A.D.
• 1350 A.D. –1389 A.D. Girishawardhana
Hayam Wuruk • 1466 A.D. –1474 A.D.
• 1389 A.D. –1429 A.D. Suraprabhawa
Wikramawardhana • 1474 A.D. –1527 A.D.
• Capital
• Trowulan (now Mojokerto)

• Common languages
• Old Javanese (main)
• Sanskrit (religious)
• Currency
• Native gold
• silver coins Kepeng
• Preceded by
• Singhasari

• Succeeded by
• Demak Sultanate
Territory & Location
• The Majapahit Kingdom was
located in the east-central part of
Java, Indonesia.
• Majapahit was an empire of 98
tributaries, stretching from
Sumatra to New Guinea
consisting of present-day
Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia,
Brunei, southern Thailand, Timor
Leste, southwestern Philippines .
The greatest extent of Majapahit influence in 1365
• Centralized monarchy with absolute power vested in the king

• Council of ministers to advise the king on matters of state

• King as commander-in-chief of the military

• Complex system of laws and regulations based on Hindu and Buddhist

principles, as well as local customs and traditions

• Well-developed system of communication and transportation

Religion & culture
• The religion of the Majapahit Kingdom was a syncreyic blend of Hinduism
and Buddhism. Hindu dieties like Shiva, Vishnu, and Durga were worshipped,
alongside Buddhist practices and rituals.

• Majapahit's rulers and elite patrionized both hindu and Budhhist temples and
traditions. The syncretic nature allowed for a harmonious coexistence of these
two faiths.
• Shiva-Buddha (Javanese syncretism of Shaivism and Buddhism)
Hinduism , Buddhism , Islam , Animism

• Majapahit's culture is known for its impressive temple, inteicate stone carvings
and sculptures depicting Hindu and Buddhist motifs.
• Agriculture: Agriculture was the backbone of the Majapahit economy. The
fertile volcanic soil of Java allowed for the cultivation of rice, which served as
the staple food and a major source of wealth.

• Maritime Power: The Majapahit Kingdom had a powerful navy and controlled
key sea routes, ensuring the security of trade and maritime dominance. Its
naval strength allowed it to maintain control over numerous islands and
expand its influence.
• Metalwork and Crafts: Skilled artisans produced metalwork, ceramics, textiles,
and other craft goods that were highly sought after in regional and
international markets, contributing to the economy.

• Taxation: The kingdom levied taxes, often in the form of agricultural products,
on its subjects. These taxes were collected to support the royal court and
• Trade: The kingdom was strategically located along important trade routes,
benefiting from maritime trade between Southeast Asia, China, India, and the
Middle East. Trade goods included spices, gold, silver, textiles, and exotic items.
• Inter-Island Trade: Trade was not limited to the island of Java alone; it extended
to other parts of the archipelago, fostering economic ties among various regions
within the kingdom.
• Influence on Regional Trade: Majapahit's economic prowess influenced regional
trade dynamics, as it served as a bridge between the East and West, facilitating
the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures.
Art & Architecture
• Temple Architecture: Majapahit temples, such as Candi Majapahit and Candi
Panataran, featured intricate stone carvings and followed the Hindu-Buddhist
architectural style.
• Relief Sculptures: Temples were adorned with detailed relief sculptures
depicting scenes from Hindu and Buddhist epics, as well as everyday life.
• Statuary: Sculptures of Hindu deities and Buddha, often made from stone,
bronze, or wood, were created for religious and decorative purposes.
• Internal Conflicts: Factional struggles and power disputes among the nobility
weakened the central authority of the kingdom.

• External Threats: The emergence of rival states, such as the Islamic Sultanates
of Demak and Malacca, posed significant military and political challenges.
• Javanese Civil War: The Javanese Civil War in the late 15th century further
destabilized the kingdom, leading to its fragmentation.

• Lack of Unity: The loss of unity among the Majapahit states made it easier for
external forces to conquer and divide the kingdom.
• Cultural Influence: Majapahit's syncretic Hindu-Buddhist culture left a lasting
impact on Indonesian art, architecture, language, and religion.

• Linguistic Heritage: The development of the Javanese language and script

during the Majapahit era continues to shape Indonesian languages and writing

• Archaeological Sites: The Majapahit-era archaeological sites, including

temples and palaces, provide valuable historical and cultural insights and
attract tourists.
The Majapahit Kingdom was one of the
greatest empires in Indonesian history.
It was a wealthy and powerful kingdom that
had a profound impact on the region's culture
and development.
Th a n k

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