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Masurarea ambulatorie a

tensiunii arteriale (ABPM)

Dr. Ovidiu Mitu

“The measurement of blood pressure is the clinical
procedure of greatest importance that is performed in
the sloppiest manner.”

Kaplan N. M. Amer J Hypertension 1998: 11: 134-6

Pacientul A.B., 48 ani, sex M

M.I.: evaluare cardiologica de rutina

AHC: mama – BCV

APP: fara APP CV semnificative; glicemie bazala modificata

(glic a jeun = 114 mg/dl)

CVM: fumator ocazional

Fara tratament cronic la domiciliu

ECG de repaus
Examen clinic

IMC = 27kg/m²

TA de repaus = 155/90 mmHg

Examen CV – normal
24-hour ABPM
Rezultat 24-hour ABPM
TA medie pe 24 de ore –
128/79 mmHg

TA zi – 132/82 mmHg

TA noapte – 116/68

Patient seated and relaxed, not talking, legs
Tight arm clothing removed
Correct cuff size
Arm supported with cuff horizontal with heart
Inform patient of discomfort and that several
measurements will be taken
Mercury manometer on firm and level surface
at eye level
Locate brachial or radial pulse.
Place stethoscope gently over brachial artery
Inflate mercury rapidly, 30 mmHg above occlusion
of pulse
Deflate very slowly, 2 mmHg per second
Record first of regular sounds (systolic BP)
Record diastolic as disappearance of sound
Record measurements to the nearest 2 mmHg
Repeat twice more and average last two.
Rezultat 24-hour ABPM
TA de repaus = 155/90

ABPM 24 ore:
TA medie pe 24 de ore –
128/79 mmHg
TA zi – 132/82 mmHg
TA noapte – 116/68

HTA de halat alb

Caz 2
Patient fara tratament anti HTA
TA cabinet = 138/89 mmHg

TA pe 24 ore = 139/89 mmHg
TA ziua = 137/86 mmHg
TA noaptea = 143/93 mmHg
HTA mascata

Profil tip non-


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