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myths and superstition about the solareclips

Many cultures explain eclipses, both solar and lunar, as a time when
demons or animals consume the sun or the moon.

"The Vikings saw a pair of sky wolves chasing the sun or the moon," said
the Griffith Observatory astronomer. When one of the wolves caught either
of the shining orbs, an eclipse would result.

"In Vietnam, a frog or a toad [eats] the moon or the sun," while people of the
Kwakiutl tribe on the western coast of Canada believe that the mouth of
heaven consumes the sun or the moon during an eclipse.

The Greeks thought an eclipse meant that the gods would rain down
punishment on the king.
• in india Cooking, eating, drinking are avoided during
the eclipse period as the food goes 'bad' during the

• In US, people believe that an eclipse is a sign of the

forthcoming of an apocalypse.

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