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ERIO, RICARDO 11- STEM B 10/11/2022

7:03 PM 7:28 PM 7:53 PM

1. What is the phenomenon called?

- Lunar Eclipse

2. What are the different beliefs attach on the said phenomenon?

- Many cultures still believe that lunar eclipse are evil omens that bring death and
destruction. One of the most pervasive is that lunar eclipse are dangerous to young children
and pregnant women.
- The Inca myth “howling at the moon”, the Incas believed that a blood moon was the
result of a demonic jaguar attacking and eventually devouring the moon. They feared that the
jaguar would then attack Earth, so they would shout and shake spears in an effort to scare the
jaguar away.
- The Hupa myth “healing the moon”, the Hupa tribe believed that the moon had 20 wives
and a whole bunch of pets, most of which were celestial mountain lions and snakes. When the
moon didn't bring them enough food, they would attack him, causing him to bleed and appear
red. The eclipse would end when the moon's wives came to his rescue.
- In Wicca culture, the moon is believed to hold a special spiritual power that heightens
magic. During lunar eclipses, many Wiccans have reported feeling a greater sense of peace,
and a higher overall level of understanding.
- Vikings believed that a pack of wolves would chase the sun and moon until they crossed
paths in the sky. However, an eclipse only occurred if a wolf caught one of the glowing orbs.
- In the African countries of Togo and Benin, the Batammaliba people thought that an
eclipse meant that the sun and moon were fighting, and it was their job to help them
reconcile. It was also seen as a time to lay one's own feuds to rest and let go of pent-up anger.
- For the Luiseño tribe of southern California, an eclipse meant that the moon was
wounded and/or ill. They would then sing songs and chants to make the moon feel better.
- A Vietnamese myth said that a lunar eclipse was when a frog or toad ate the sun. In fact,
the Vietnamese word for eclipse is "shih," which directly translates to "to eat."
- The people of India believed that lunar eclipses brought bad luck. Food and water were
kept covered to prevent contamination, and many cleansing rituals were performed.

3. What is/are the scientific explaination of the phenomenon happening up

in the sky at the moment?

- Lunar eclipse occur at the full phase. When Earth is positioned precisely between the Moon and
Sun, Earth’s shadow falls upon the surface of the moon, dimming it and sometimes turning the lunar
surface a striking red over the course of a few hours. Each lunar eclipse is visible from half of Earth.

- A lunar eclipse is caused by Earth blocking sunlight from reaching the moon and creating a
shadow across the lunar surface. The sun blocking the Earth casts two shadows that fall on the moon
during a lunar eclipse: The umbra is a full dark shadow, and the penumbra is a partial outer shadow.

4. What proof is shown on this phenomenon?

- In a total lunar eclipse, the entire moon falls within the darkest part of Earth’s shadow (umbra).
When the moon is within the umbra, it will turn a reddish hue.

5. How can we relate the scenario into our daily life situation?

-Like a beautiful gray moon, our lives are full of happiness and positivity, but sometimes there's a
time when our lives are full of negativity (red). That negativity will end shortly and will come back to
our lives full of positivity.

- A lunar eclipse  helps you realize who you want to be and identify your next areas for growth.

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