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Volianska Oleksandra 101A

What to visit in
Fleek's Museum of Science
The Flick Science Museum is an interactive science museum for children and adults, where
the young robot Flick arranges thematic exhibitions about the structure of the world. He likes
to learn how the world around us works, and he wants to share it with others as soon as
possible. Flick does this with the help of a quest where you will meet different exhibits,
useful life hacks and educational cartoons that will lead you throughout the tour.
Scythian Stan Open Air Museum
Khortytsya Island keeps many secrets. However, some of them are revealed if you look at the
lapidary museum "Scythian State". It is radically different from what is usually meant by the
word "museum" - there are no tall buildings, halls, shelves with dust-covered exhibits. There
aren't even walls here! "Scythian state" is an open-air complex consisting of 11 mounds and
several local open-air expositions.
Zaporizhzhya Regional Lore Museum
•the regional museum of local history in the city of Zaporizhia, a significant cultural and
scientific center for popularizing the culture, history and ethnography of the Zaporizhia
Zaporizhzhya City Children Botanic
The area is 14.6 hectares. The status was assigned in accordance with the decision of the Zaporizhzhya
Regional Executive Committee dated September 25, 1984 No. 315. It is part of the nature reserve fund
of Ukraine, protected as a national property of the world system of natural resources. In 1992, the
Zaporizhia City Children's Botanical Garden joined the Association of Botanical Gardens of Ukraine.
Hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. without breaks and weekends. The director is
Yeromina Tamara Ivanivna.
Enjoy your trip

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