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Education 7
❤ God Made My
Design Special 👍
At the of this lesson, you will...

📌 Know that people are specially design by God

📌 Enumerate the ways humans are unique from the rest

of creation

📌 Pray for the unique needs of others

Adolescence is a transition period between
childhood and adulthood. This transition includes a
change from dependence on parents to
independence, and from simple, childlike trust and
acceptance to indepenent decision making.
Adolecents are also called Young People, Youth,
or Teenagers.

The adolescent phase brings several developments
physically, Socially, Spiritually, and Mentally. It is
difficult to accurately predict how all adolencents of
the same age will behave. In this growth stage, there
are certain trends of development and many of these
will be very different from those of the childhood
We consider two things:

◎ God has a plan for all human beings

◎ God’s plan is always the best
1. God’s plan in creating human beings
God made human beings in Hus image rather n in the
image of animals. Consequently, we resemble God rather
than animals. This should be a clear indication that we
are not the product of evolution as one theory suggest.
2. God has a plan for mankind
God gave humans a special place among all His creation
and, thus, we are special to God. He specifically chose
mankind to take care of His creation (Gen. 2:15). He also
gave every person the ability to think for himself. That’s
what makes humans unique and valuable in terms of
living things.

As adolecents, we need to
understand that each of us has our
own unique personality and make-
up. God designed us differently
from each other.
Inheritance of specific traits from
parents suc as physical
characteristics and mental
Refers to our surroundings.
People grow anf develop in
physical settings that can limit
and determine their development.
A person’s will also affects
his/her personality development.
‘’True Filipino Ingenuity’’

The bahay-kubo is well known as a traditional, simple and yet

comfortable home for Filipinos in the provinces. This structure,
which is made from materials like pawid, kugon, and nipa, manifests
the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Filipinos.
The Jeepney is another example of Filipino ingenuity. The original
jeepneys were assembled from remnants of military vehicles from
World War II. Since then, Filipinos have benn using them as public
utility for public transportation. It is much more economical to ride
jeepneys, especially in these days of economic crisis. This kind of
public transportation is not found in any other country. . .only here in
the Philippines

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