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How to become a crush-able person

a procedure text

written by Sam
Part I : Goal

Crush is a term used to describe a person who is loved by

other. It means, there is something attractive found on us that
makes people feel any kind of vibration anytime they see us.
By this day, you can see many people being adored by their
fandom. One is adored because of his talent, other is adored
because of the vibe energy she shares toward her fans, or
even someone is adored because he shows some of extreme
Is it good to be liked by other people? Do you ever get
someone who likes you? If you never, would you want to be
one of them? If you would, there would some tips you can
consider to be a crush-able person:
Part I I: Steps

One, pay attention for your look. (Jadilah ganteng!)

No one could fall in love with a stranger regardless their
appearance. It doesn’t mean that you have to be really
handsome or pretty like the stereotype people mostly like
(korean, american, nigg*). It’s okay if you are less
handsome/pretty. It is not our fault to born unattractive, but it
is really our fault if we never try to do our best to optimize
our looking. So, be the best version of your look!
Part II: Steps

Second, develop your personal vibe.

It is a massive case to find people just being impressed with a
person only in a short term, and after that they just feel
nothing. What happens?
It is just you become a typical snack that indonesian people
really hate. Looking nice at the package, but has nothing
inside. Need to know that sometimes beauty is not everything
for everyone. Some people like someone whom they find
attractive due to their personal charm. That could be your
smartness, act of service, or even positive vibes that you
bring to people around. So make sure, you are not like this!
Part II: Steps

Last but not last, be a good listener and speaker.

I dunno but, since we live in an era where there are lot
troublematic (one who likes to be overthinking of any
nonsense problem and then get insomnia) people around us, it
seems that we have to manage being a good people-pleaser.
This kind of guy could come as a hero for certain person. But
careful, don’t let this pleasing-service drown you into
complex problems. Either you become a softboy, or if you are
unlucky, you gonna be only regarded as their clown.
Part II : Steps

Last, just be a crazy rich person.

Do I really need to explain this last one?
“Kalau menurut pemikiran gue ya,
Lu punya duit, lu punya kuasa.”

Then be like him, but in a better looking. Hehe.

Part III :

Notes :
All the given tips are not guaranteed to be 100% successful.
The possibility could be different depends on the target,
environment, and your effort.
One thing for sure, be yourself. Nothing more special than
being idolized when we are staying to be who we are truly.

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