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A rections reactans reahes chemical

equilbrium when there is no further change
in concentrations of the reactants and

At equilbrium:
The rate of the forward reaction is equal to
the rate of the reverse reaction
Forward reaction is a reaction form products from
 Reaktants Produk

 Reverse reaction is a reaction form reactants from

Reaktants Producs
Reversible Reaction
a reversible reaction consits of both a forward and a
reverse reaction
Reactants Products

 k1 rate raction not equal k2

At equilibrium
The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of
the reverse reaction
Reaktan Produk

k 1 equal k2
Figure rate reaction vs Time

rate of forward reaction



Rate of reverse

Figure Consentration vs Time

[Reactans] decrease
consentration (mol/L)


[Producs] increase

Equilibrium Constants
aA + bB cC + dD

Equilibrium constants expression is :

Equilibrium contant eq contant expression

Produk [C]c [ D]d

Kc = ------------- = -------------- coofisients

Reaktan [A]a [B]b

Ex : reactions H2 and I2
 H2(g) + I2 2HI(g)

[ HI]2
 Kc = ------------
Kinds of equilibrium
1. Homogeneous equillibrium:
reaction in which all the reactants and products are in
the same state reaches

H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

2. Heterogeneous equillibrium :
the reactan and the products are more states the
equilibrium termed
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
Calculating equilbrium constants
H2(g) + I2 2HI(g)

reactants Products
[H2] = o,10 M [HI] = 1,04 M
[I2] = 0,20 M

[HI]2 [ 1,04] 2
Kc = --------- = ---------------- = 54
[H2][I2] [ 0,10] [ 0,20 ]
Kc for H2(g) + I2 2HI(g) at 427oC

Ekperimen [H2] [I2] [HI] Kc

 1 0,10M 0,20M 1,04M 54
 2 0,20M 0,20M 1,47M 54
 3 0,30M 0,17M 1,66M 54
Using equilibrium constants
[ Produk] P > R
-----------------= Kc besar

 [ Produk] P < R
-----------------= Kc kecil

A B kc = ------

AAAB A>B Kc = kecil

AABB A=B Kc = 1
ABBB A<B Kc = besar
Le Chatelier’s prinsiple

 when a stress (change in conditions)

is placed on a reaction at equilibrium,
the equilibrium shifts in the direction
that realives the stress.
1.Effect of concentrasion change
PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

 [PCl5] increase forming of the producs

 [PCl5] decrese forming of the reactants
 [PCl3] increase forming of the reactants

 [PCl3] decrese forming of the producs

 [Cl2] increase forming of the reactants
 [Cl2] derease forming of the producs
2. Effect of Volume (Pressure)
change on equilibrium

When a reaction has the same number of moles of

reactants as producs, a volume changes does not
effet the equillibrium

Exsample H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

2 NO2 2 NO + O2 pd T tetap
P naik kesetimb bergeser kekiri (mengarah
pd pembentukan NO2), V berkurang shg mengurangi
efek kenaikan P
P kurang kesetimb bergeser kekanan
membentuk lebih banyak produk.
Kc = ----------------
(nNO/V) (nO2/V) n2NO x nO2 1
 ------------------- = --------------- x ---
(nNO2/V) n NO2 V
nNO = jumlah mol NO
nO2 = jumlah mol O2
nNO2 = jumlah mol NO2
2 NO2 2 NO + O2 pd T tetap

Bila P dinaikkan V mengecil

Bila V mengecil,agar nilai Kc tetap maka
(nNO)2 (nO2)
--------------- akan mengecil jumlah mol NO
dan O2 berkurang dan jumlah mol NO2 meningkat
artinya kesetimbangan bergeser kekiri
3. Efek Perubahan T
 N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)

A Reaksi Endotermik
N2(g) + O2(g) + panas 2NO(g)

Bila T dinaikkan maka Kc naik

reaksi akan bergeser menuju reaktan
Bila T diturunkan maka Kc turun reaksi
bergeser menuju produk
B. Reaksi exotermik
N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) + panas

Bila T dinaikkan maka Kc turun shg

reaksi menuju produk
Bila T diturunkan maka Kc naik shg
reaksi menuju reaktan
Kesetimbangan dalam larutan jenuh

Contoh kerusakan gigi dan batu ginjal

Bakteri dlm mulut bereaksi dg gula dan asam
melarutkan enamel gigi yang dibuat mineral
dinamakan hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3OH
Kerusakan gigi disusun dari garam kalsium seperti
kalsium oksalat,CaC2O4 dan kalsium posphat,
Jika ion Ca2+ dan C2O42- saling larut dlm gigi
membentuk endapan padatan CaC2O4

Ca2+(aq) + C2O42- (aq) CaC2O4(s)

3Ca2+(aq) + 2PO42-(aq) Ca3(PO4)2(s)

Konstanta hasil kelarutan (Ksp)
CaC2O4(s) Ca2+(aq) + C2O42- (aq)
Pd saat kestmbangan [Ca2+] dan [C2O42- ] konstan shg
kelarutan CaC2O4 dlm kontanta hasil kelarutan
dapat dinamakan Ksp

Ksp = [Ca2+] [C2O42- ]

Perhitungan Ksp
Contoh dibuat larutan CaCO3 jenuh dengan
melarutkan CaCO3 padat ditambah air dan distirer
sampai pada kestimbangan dicapai CaCO3 Jika
dihasilkan [Ca2+ ] = 7,1x10-5 M dan [CO32-] = 7,1x10-5
M maka untuk menghitung Ksp ada 4 langkah
Lankah 1 Tulis pers kesmtbngan kelarutan
CaCO3(s) ) Ca2+(aq) + CO32- (aq)

Langkah 2 Tulis Ksp

Ksp = [Ca2+] [CO32-]

Langkah 3 substitusi konsentrasi M ion2

Ksp = [7,1x10-5 M ] [7,1x10-5 M ]
= 5,0 x 10-9
Perhitungan Kelarutan Molar (S)
 S adalah mol zat terlarut yang larut dalam satu liter
Contoh kelarutan molar CdS adalah 1 x 10-12 mol per
liter. Artinya bahwa 1 x 10-12 mol CdS masuk dalam
ion Cd 2+ dan S2- untuk memberi [Cd 2+ ] = 1 x 10-12 M
dan [S2- ] = 1 x 10-12 M
CdS(s) Cd 2+(aq) + S2- (aq)
S= 1 x 10-12 mol/L
[Cd 2+ ] = 1 x 10-12 M dan
[S2- ] =1 x 10-12 M
Kami dapat menggunakan persamaan
kesetibngan dan Ksp untuk menghitung molaritas
masing2 ion dan menentukan kelarutan molar
Hitung kelarutan molar (S) PbSO4 jika
Ksp adl 1,6x10-8
Tahap 1 pers kestbangan larutan
PbSO4(s) Pb 2+(aq) + SO42-(aq)

‘ Tahap 2 tulis Ksp

Ksp = [Pb 2+] [SO42-]

‘ Tahap 3Tuunjukkan molaritas ion2 S dlm pers dg

mengetahui harga Ksp
Ksp = [S][S] = 1,6x10-8
Tahap 4
S x S = S2 = 1,6x10-8
S = (1,6x10-8 ) ½ = 1,3 x 10-4 mol/L
S untuk PbSO4 adalah 1,3 x 10-4 mol/L artinya
jika 1,3 x 10-4 mol PbSO4 dilarutkan dlm 1 liter
larutan ada ion [Pb 2+] = 1,3 x 10-4 M dan [SO42-] =
1,3 x 10-4 M

Efek ion senama
Kelarutan suatu elektrolit akan berkurang bila
dilarutkan dlm larutan yang mengandung ion yang
sama bila dibandingkan dg kelarutan dlm air murni
Contoh: AgCl(s) Ag+(aq) + Cl- (aq)
[Cl- ]di+ kestmbngan bergeser kekiri
Efek Garam
Penambahan ion yang tak senama cenderung untuk
meningkatkan kelarutan
Daftar Pustaka
Timberlake.Karen C, 2005,Basic Chemistry,1 st
edition,Pearson Benjamin Cummings,San Francisco.
Atkins.P.W, 1990,Physical Chemistry,4 th
edition,Oxford University Press,Tokyo.

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