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Importance of an active lifestyle
Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength;
Develops motor control and coordination;
Helps maintain a healthy body compositions;
Increases the efficiency of the lungs and heart;
Increase muscle strength and endurance;
Protects from musculoskeletal problems such as “low” back pain;
Possibly delays the aging process;
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and
Promotes healthy cholesterol level;
Help regulate blood pressure
Decreases risk of Type 2 diabetes
Reduces the risks of breast and colon cancer
Improves control over anxiety and depression; and
Builds self-esteem and social interaction.
Types of exercises can be performed
to derive these health benefits?
■ Are repetitive movements that aim to
improve one or more components of fitness.
■ are generally classified as aerobic exercise,
resistance exercise or stretching exercise.
Aerobic exercise

■ involve large muscle (e.g., thighs) that

perform rhythmic and continues
movement for prolonged period of time
in order to improve aerobic capacity.
Resistance exercise

■ require the muscle to contract again an

external load (e.g., barbell) in order to
improve muscular strength, muscular
endurance, and bone strength.
Stretching exercise

■ increase the elasticity of muscles

and tendons surrounding the joint in
order to improve flexibility.

■ answer the question below.

■ It is normal for the muscles to increase in size as a result of resistance

■ How important is stretching exercise in improving performance?
■ are there psychological benefits from exercise?
■ How do we solve the common barriers to adopting an active

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