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▪ Active case detection: On the last Saturday of every
month, a team lead by a doctor or medical officer will
go house to house for active case detection of leprosy. One day’s TA/ DA
will be reimbursed.
▪ Skin camps to screen and identify cases carried out by teams of dermatologists, trained
health workers is to be expanded to 19 endemic districts from the previous camps being
conducted in 5 districts.
▪ Strengthening the current strategies by increasing the number of participants and the
frequency of leprosy training programmes.
▪ Capacity building: Along with dermatologists, FCHVs, medical officers, pediatricians should
also be trained as 7% prevalence of leprosy has been seen in children.
▪ Provision for District Leprosy Officers who can dedicate their time to leprosy instead of
District Tuberculosis and Leprosy Officers(DTLO)
▪ Make tools for leprosy diagnosis available in peripheral health centres.
▪ Build leprosy centres in every state and include leprosy units in at least each city
▪ Advertisement:
- Celebration of Leprosy week/ month
- Increase the frequency of airing of
advertisements regarding the possible signs
and symptoms of leprosy in radio and TV.
- Stick posters and hand out pamphlets
- Make newer advertisements with more information
- Role plays and drama conducted in rural areas to reduce the stigma
▪ Women mobilization: We should take the confidence of females as well as the head of the
family in community. Women health workers and volunteers should be encouraged for
awareness campaigns in villages.
▪ Partnership: The leprosy Mission Nepal
The Netherlands Leprosy Relief Nepal(NLR)
World Health Organization
Leprosy Control Division
Non health sector departments
Trainings will be provided to FCHVs, Medical officers , DLO,
dermatologists, pediatricians for them to be able to
make a clinical diagnosis and if not, suspicion of leprosy
and send slit skin smears for lab diagnosis.
Well equipped lab facilities for microscopic diagnosis of leprosy
▪ Organizing a committee which will especially govern leprosy status on a regular
basis in different states and maintain a record which is to be reported to The
Leprosy Control Division.
▪ Training on how to maintain an electronic database for leprosy cases and their
treatment and rehabilitation to be carried out by The Leprosy Control Division
with the help of its partners for all the medical personals concerned with
leprosy once every 6 months. The electronic record of patient data in hospitals
is then to be recorded and reported to the central Leprosy Control Division.

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