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Level determination 7 October 2023

Question Options

1. What time _____ you usually wake up on weekends? a) do b) are c) does d) is

2. She's _____ interested in learning new languages. a) very b) quite c) too d) much

3. My sister _____ her keys in the car yesterday. a) leaves b) left c) leave d) leaving

4. I'm not sure if I _____ to the party tomorrow. a) go b) goes c) will go d) going

5. This is the best book I _____ read this year. a) had b) have c) has d) having

6. The weather was terrible, so they _____ the picnic. a) cancel b) cancelled c) cancels d) cancelling

7. I can't find my glasses. I _____ them at home. a) must have left b) must leave c) must left d) must leaving

8. They _____ to the beach when it started raining. a) went b) gone c) goes d) going

9. She _____ her job because she didn't like her boss. a) quits b) quitted c) quitting d) quit

10. Can you _____ me that pen, please? a) borrow b) lend c) borrow me d) lend me
11. My father _____ when I was just a child. a) died b) was dying c) has died d) had died
12. We _____ lunch at the new Italian restaurant downtown. a) had b) has c) have d) having
13. She _____ her homework before she went to the party. a) finished b) had finished c) finishes d) will finish
14. The concert was so loud that it _____ my ears. a) hurt b) hurts c) hurting d) hurted
15. He _____ his keys in the car yesterday. a) leaves b) left c) leave d) leaving
16. I have a _____ to travel around the world someday. a) wish b) want c) will d) would
17. The teacher asked us to _____ the article before the class. a) read b) reads c) reading d) to read
18. It's important to _____ your goals and work towards them. a) setting b) set c) sets d) setting up
19. She _____ to be a doctor when she grows up. a) wants b) will want c) wanting d) wanted
20. I'll call you _____ I get home. a) as soon as b) when c) until d) while
21. We need to _____ the project by the end of the week. a) finish b) finished c) finishing d) finishes
22. The movie was so _____ that I fell asleep. a) bored b) boring c) bore d) boredom
23. I can't find my wallet. I _____ it at the restaurant. a) think I left b) think leave c) thinking I left d) thinking leave
24. This is the first time I _____ such an amazing sunset. a) have seen b) seen c) sees d) seeing
25. We _____ go to the beach if it doesn't rain tomorrow. a) will b) going to c) are going d) going

26. She _____ her phone at home this morning. a) forget b) forgotten c) forgot d) forgetting

27. John _____ to the gym three times a week. a) goes b) is going c) has gone d) go

28. The cat _____ on the window sill for hours. a) lay b) laid c) lying d) lies

29. I don't like coffee, but I _____ tea. a) do b) does c) am d) have

30. I _____ to the store yesterday, but it was closed. a) went b) gone c) goes d) going
Questions (type 1)
1. Tell me 5 pieces of information about yourself.
2. What do you usually do in your free time?
3. What kind of books or films do you like reading / watching?
4. Have you ever been abroad? Speak about the last time you visited a foreign country.
5. When was the last time you were excited about something? What happened?
6. What was the first day of your new school like?
Questions (type 1)
7. What are your plans for this year?
8. Have you got any pets? Speak about it/them.
9. Have you got siblings? What things do you usually do together?
10. What's your most/least favourite subject at school? Why?
Questions (type 2)
1. Why do you think it is important to learn foreign languages?
2. Which one do you think is better: living in the countryside or living in the city centre?
3. Why do you think it is important to have hobbies?
4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being an only child?
5. Why do you think many students decide to study abroad after finishing high school?
Questions (type 3)
1. "Family is more important than friends."
2. "There is nothing an average person can do to fight global warming."
Photo comparison

1. What kind of people do you think would like to live in each house?
2. Which one would you be more willing to buy and why?

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