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Jhyna G. Batacandolo
Maria Cecilia Cabral
Learning Objectives:

• To define what is Individual Differences

• To identify the factors of individual
• To learn the three elements of the
individual differences in learning of the
Every Individual matters.
Every individual has a role to play.
Every individual makes a
-Jane Goodall
Individual Differences
Dissimilarity is principle of nature. No two
persons are alike. All the individuals differ
from each other in many aspects. Children
born of the same parents and even the twins
are not like.
Two Categories of
Individual Differences

Inherited Acquired
o • Social
• Physical • Cultural
• Mental • Educational
• Temperamental • Emotional
Factors Affecting
Individual Differences


5 • AGE


2. Environment
• Heredity 3. Race &
Environment brings individual
Some heretical traits bring a differences in behaviour, Nationality
change from one individual to activities, attitude, and style of Race and nationality is
other. An indivudal’s heights, life cahracteristics. Personality one of individual
size, sahe and color of hair, etc. Environmental does not refer difference. Indians are
shapeof face, nose, hands and only physical surroundings but very peace loving,
legs so to say the entire structure also it refers the different types Chinese are cruel;
of the body is deteremined by his of people, society, their culture,
Americans are very frank
heretical qualities. Intellectual customs, traditions, social
diffences are also to a great due to race and
heritage, ideas and ideals
extebt influenced by hereditayr nationality.
5. Age
4. Sex is another factor which is 6. Education
Due to sex variation are responsible in bringing individual
individual differs from other. differences. Learning ability and is one major factor which brings
Men are strong in mental power. adjustment capacity naturally individual differences. All traits
On the other hand women on the grow with age. When one grows of human beings like social,
average show small superiority in age can acquire better control emotional and intellectual are
over men in memory, language over our emotions and better controlled and modifies through
and aesthetic sense. Women social responsibilities. When a proper education.
excel the men in shouldering child grows then this maturity and It is seen that uneducated persons
social responsibilities and have a development goes side by side. are guided by their instinct and
better control over their emotions where as the educated
emotiions. persons are guided by their
. reasoning power.
What is Learning Style

‘The way that he or she concentrate on, processes,

internalizes, remembers new and difficult information
skills.” - Dr. Rita Dunn, St. John’s University
“Characteristic, cognitive, affective, and physiological
behaviors, that serve as relatively stable indicators of
how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the
learning environment.” - James W. Keefe
e ar n i ng
c e s i n L
i f fe re n
i d u al D
Ind i v e s p e ct
w i t h r
v i d u a l s l
o f i n d i d i v i d u a
e g ro u p s a r e i n l
s i n t h a ra c t e r d i n a l
t i o n l c h f o u n
Varia l o r p h y s i c a
r e n c e s a r e
e n t a l
m e n t a a l d i ff e l a n d m
to n d i v i d u p h y s i c a
n c e s . I r i s t i c s , i t y a n d
d i ff er e a r a c t e r so n a l
i c a l c h b i t s , p e
c h o l o g d g e , h a
ps y n o w l e t s.
l i t i es , k t e r t r a i
ab i chara c
Elements of Learning Style

1 Physiological 3 Affective
2 Cognitive
are primarily are the motivational
biologically-based and is an immersive and
forces within a
vary depending on the active process that
learner typically
learner’s reaction to the engages your senses in
a constructive and viewed as
physical environment
long-lasting way. stimulating and
guiding behavior
Environmental Elements

1. Sound 2. Light
Children vary greatly in their It has been found that
ability to concentrate in fluorescent bulbs emit rays
varied sounds environments that stimulate analytic
Environmentals Elements

3. Temperature 4. Design
Every child is different when design in a classroom refers to
it comes to temperature the layout of the room in
preferences. comparison to the physical
needs of the children
Emotional Elements

1. Motivation 2. Persistence
Motivation and The element of persistence
achievement are closely is both emotional and
related cognitive in nature.
These children are follow 4. Structure
through an assignments, finish
them to the best of their ability, Some children need to know
and do so many times without exactly what is expected of
ongoing supervision. them before commencing on
an activity.
Sociological Elements

1 Self 3 Peers
2 Pair
Does the learner Does the learner need
Does the learner the support or his of her
work best alone?
work best with peers in the learning
someone else? experience?
Does the learner work 5. Varied
best with a group?
Give the child the option to
work in pairs, groups, or
Physical Elements

1. Perceptual 2. Intake
This area has to do with the Through eating, drinking, or
learner’s ability to understand smelling, the senses can be
and perceive the concept actively engaged in the learning
3. Time
Time rhythms refer to the 4. Mobility
individual’s optimum
Mobility has to do with a
learning patterns based on
child’s need to change physical
the time of the day. position during the learning
Cognitive Elements




1)Brain Do
minance Differentiation
• Analytic
• Global • Field Dependence
• Integrate • Field Independence

o nc e pt ua l Te mpo • Visual
2 )C
• Auditory
• Impulsive • Tactile
• Reflexive • Kenisthetic
• I n t e g r at e d

Multiple In
3)Mindstyles • Bo d i l y K
n t i al • Linguisticinesthetic
e t e S e q u e
• Concr • Spatial
b s t r a c t R a n d o m • Intraperso
t r a c t S eq u e n t i al • Interperso nal
• Abs • Logical/Mnal
c r e t e R a n d o m
• Co n • Naturalis athematical
Affective Elements

1)Conceptual Level 2)Psychological Types

• High Level • Thinker
• Low Level. • Sensor
• Feeler
• Intuitor
Thank you for
God Bless!

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