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Women Business in Nepal

Current status of women in Business

 Generally, the involvement of women in business is slightly progressing than the past.
 According to the past data only 10% women are engaged in business however, in the
recent report of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), only about 18 percent of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nepal are owned by women.
 There has been progress in recent years towards greater gender equality in the business
world. Women-owned businesses are becoming more common and are making significant
contributions to the economy.
 Getting involve in the business make the women get empowered in the business world.
Level of Business

There are different level of business enterprises in Nepal which consists of varieties of sectors
like tourism, handicraft, manufacturing, agriculture etc.
Some of the most engaged business are :
 Lower level business: The business that required very low investment which can run easily
by people. It also consists of buying and selling household items. For example: groceries
item etc.
 Middle level Business: The business that also require medium capital than the lower level
which can be run in specific place . For example bakery business, gadget shop, etc
 High level Business: The business which is run by the high class people and also consist
of high capital for the effective run of the business. For example: selling the luxuries item
like Diamond, gold etc.

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