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By Rana Jihad Al Baradie

Self –confidence
Self –confidence
• Self –confidence is a vital trait that positively impact various aspects on your life,
including academic and personal growth and social lives. To build your self –
confidence it’s important to follow a strategies approach that involve practice
positive self –talk, priorities self –care, set realistic goals for yourself, set small
Positive self –talk
Positive self –talk mak
es a
person feel good abou
themselves. It can
encourage and motivat
person to keep going,
on the “bright side ,”
put things into
positive self –talk are,
am really happy for
myself,“I am doing w
or “ That is not great,
but it
could be worse.
Priorities self –care

• So prioritizing self care is what allows

you to live your life smoothly and
effectively, and bring your best to
whatever priorities and challenges
come your way. This won’t take away
from your productivity –it will increase
it. Take time to connect with yourself
and pay attention to what you need.
Set realistic goals for yourself
• A realistic goals is one you
can achieve, given your
skills, time frame, and level
of motivation. But only by
determining these goals will
you get closer to achieving
them. What’s realistic goals
for one person may not be
realistic for another, but you
should still think of realistic
goals as something attainable.
Set small goals
• Small goals can serve as a road map for success by
breaking down larger goal into smaller more manageable
steps . Settings small goals allows us to identify the tasks
we must complete achieving our larger goals. This can help
us stay organized, focused, and on track toward success.

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