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on Ozone
depletion and
its impacts
Presented by – Harshit Dhaundiyal
Ishaan sejwal
what is ozone layer ?

• Ozone is a layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing
a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the
earth from the sun.
• Ozone layer was first discovered by French physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson in 1913 .
• Its is a gas made with 3 atoms of oxygen
• It is a bluish gas which is harmful to breath for humans.
• Nearly 90 percent of the ozone layer is in the stratosphere and referred to as a ozone layer .
• It absorbs a band of ultraviolet radiations called UVB.

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Ozone formation
Ozone depletion
Ozone layer depletion , is simply the
wearing out (reduction) of the
amount of ozone in the
stratosphere. Unlike pollution,
which has many types and causes
ozone depletion has been pinned
down to one major human activity.
Industries that manufacture things
like insulating foams solvents soaps
cooling things like air conditioner
refrigerators and take away
containers uses a thing called
chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs).

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 Depression begins when cfcs get into the stratosphere. Ultraviolet radiations from the sun
breaks up cfcs And hence destroy the ozone layer.

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 The breaking of
action releases
chlorine atoms.
Chlorine atoms react
with ozone, starting
a chemical cycle that
destroy the good
ozone in that area
one chlorine atom
can break apart more
than 100,000 ozone

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Impacts of ozone depletion
Harm to human health
Ozone depletion can cause increased amounts of UV radiation
to reach the Earth which can lead to more cases of skin
cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. Too much
exposure to UV is believed to be contributing to the increase
in melanoma, the most fatal of all skin cancers.

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Effects on Animals
 Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiations leads
to skin and eye cancer in animals.
Effects on the Environment
 Strong ultraviolet rays may lead to minimal
growth, flowering and photosynthesis in
plants. The forests also have to bear the
harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays.
Effects on Marine Life
 Planktons are greatly affected by the
exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. These
are higher in the aquatic food chain. If the
planktons are destroyed, the organisms
present in the food chain are also affected.
Measures to prevent ozone depletion

 1) Limit private vehicle driving

 2) Use eco-friendly household cleaning products
 3) Avoid using pesticides
 4) Developing stringent regulations for rocket launches
 5) Banning the use of dangerous nitrous oxide
1. Montreal protocoal signed in
1. INTERNATIONAL MEASURES 2. Comprise of 189 countries now.
3. To reduce CFC substances.

1. Singapore banned use of CFC

products in 1991D.
2. NATINAL LEVEL MEASURES 2. Countries can control the import
and manufacture of CFC product.
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