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 DT 51 Muhammad Kamran
 DT 52 Muhammad Adu Bakr
 DT 53 Talha Saeed
 DT 54 Hafsa Sabir
 DT 55 Aayan Khan
 DT 56 Pakeeza Ashraf
 DT 57 Rabya Afzal
 DT 58 Khadija Tul Kubra

 Introduction to AI (what it AI and it’s context)

 History of AI
 Types of AI (weak and general AI)
 Applications of AI (in healthcare, finance, economics,

 Aspects of AI (Deep learning and machine learning)

 Advantages and Disadvantages of AI
 Conclusion
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer

science that focuses on creating intelligent
machines capable of performing tasks that
typically require human intelligence.
 It involves developing algorithms and systems
that can perceive, reason, learn, and make
 In other words, it is the study of how the human
brain reads, thinks, percieves and functions to
train a robot so that it mimics human behaviour.
 To conclude it, AI is a man-made intelligence.
History of Artificial Intelligence

The history of AI dates back to the 1950s when

the term was coined (by John McCarthy) but it
took time to evolve as it demanded heavy
computing power. Early AI research focused on
symbolic AI, where computers used rules and
logic to mimic human intelligence. Over time,
AI evolved with advancements in machine
learning and neural networks, leading to the
development of more sophisticated AI models
and algorithms.
Types of Artificial Intelligence
 There are different types of AI, including
 Artificial Narrow intelligence (a.k.a weak AI)
 Artificial general AI
 Artificial Super Intelligence
Artificial Narrow Intelligence is the stage where machines can
perform a specific task for e.g Netflix, Siri, Alexa.
Artificial General Intelligence is referred as to an intelligent
agent’s capacity to comprehend or pick up any intellectual skill
that a human can. We are half way in a successfully implementing
this space. IBM Watson and chatGPT fall under this category.
Artificial Super Intelligence is a stage where a machine supasses
human intelligence. This is usually seen in movies where it shows
how the machines occupy the entire space of life.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on
enabling machines to learn from data and improve
their performance over time without being explicitly
programmed or any human help. It is a part of the e-
mail spamming detection, medical diagnosis. It
involves training models on large datasets and using
statistical techniques to make predictions or take
actions based on patterns and correlations in the
Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subfield of Machine Learning that is

based on learning and improving on it’s own by
examining computer algorithms which uses simpler
concepts. It works with artificial neural networks that
are designed to imitate the human brain. This
technology can be applied in face recognition, eye
scanning , natural language processing, speech
recognition and many more applications. It uses
artificial neural networks to model and understand
complex patterns in data. It involves training deep
neural networks with multiple layers to extract high-
level representations and make accurate predictions.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence

 AI has found applications in various fields,

including healthcare, finance, transportation,
and entertainment.
 In healthcare, AI is used for medical imaging
analysis, drug discovery, and personalized
 In finance, AI is used for fraud detection,
algorithmic trading, and risk assessment.
 AI is also used in autonomous vehicles, natural
language processing, virtual assistants, and many
other areas.
Future of Artificial Intelligence

 The future of AI is promising with

advancements in areas like robotics,
healthcare, smart cities, and personalized
experiences, AI will continue to transform
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Artificial Intelligence
High development
Allows for
Human Error
Makes humanRepetition
Automates dependent
Could dominate
Assists with Digitalhumans

 “In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence holds

immense potential to transform various
aspects of our lives, While AI offers numerous
benefits, it also presents ethical concerns that
must be addressed. By prioritizing fairness,
transparency, accountability, privacy, and
safety, we can ensure that AI is developed and
deployed responsibly. With careful
consideration and collaboration, we can
harness the power of AI to create a future that
is not only technologically advanced but also
ethically sound.”
An AI robot EXIST?
with citizenship

A robot with a muscular body

AI that can read the owner’s emotions

AI that develops emotions over time


 An AI that develops emotions over time

does not exist as of now.
 Saudi Arabia has granted citizenship to an AI
named Sophia.
 Kengoro is an AO robot built by some Japanese
researchers that has an intricate muscular
 IBM Watson has the capability to recognize
emotions based on speech and their undertone

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