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•People from 13-19 years old like to listen to hip-hop/rap music.

•People from 20-24 years old like to listen to hip-hop/rap music.

•People from 25-34 years old like to listen to hip-hop/rap music.
•People from 35-44 years old like to listen to pop music.
•People from 45-54 years old like to listen to pop music.
•People from 55-64 years old like to listen to classical music.
•People from 65-79 years old like to listen to classical music.
De tres días va

Van al último
Cuando va con el verbo tubi es
después. Pero si es con un
verbo va antes.
She is always sick
She usually always sic
1. Do you ever buy magazines?
2. Do you ever shop online?
3. How often do you spend money on clothes?
4. How often do you buy new shoes?
once a month once a year
Twice a month four times a year
every days Every week
rarely twice a year
rarely three times a week
Never every four years
2 1 3
Jim and I are from the UK but we live in Tokyo
Yang and Li are from China but they live in Paris
Dan’s from Australia and He lives Melbourne
He works in a restaurant
They work in a hospital
We work in a restaurant
Sciencie fiction



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