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COMM 401-Strategy

and Competition
Disney case discussion

Why has Disney been so successful for so long?

What does Disney mean to you?

Where does the vision come from?

Disney case discussion
 Brand
 Timeless
 Family
 Innovation
 Control
 Consistency
 Service
 Walt Vision
 Entertainment
 Uplifting
Disney case discussion

How does this affect the business that Disney goes into?
Disney case discussion

How does this affect the business that Disney goes into?

 Cruise/Hotel/Theme Park
 Film/tv/Cable
 Stores/Toys/Book

What is at the central of all of this????

Disney case discussion

What is at the central of all of this?

Disney case discussion

What did Eisner do in 1984 to rejuvenate Disney?

Increase ticket prices

Open an extra day

But key was putting out a hit film in summer to lend into
the ecosystem of Fall (back to school), Halloween
( costumes), Winter ( holiday break ), March break
( vacation or Disney on Ice) ….and back to a hit film
summer after
Disney case discussion

Did Disney diversify too far?

Geographic expansion?
 International?
 Paris? ----Still beneficial for Disney, ( France lost out on the $)
Vertical dimension?
 Cruise? Hotels?
 Toys?---- ( no need can control the quality after the fact)
 Touchstone? ABC merger?
 May have gone through far, no longer wholesome

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