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Bank Operation

(Teller transactions)
Bank Operation

Bank Operation

Customer Service Department

Teller Others

• Deposit Voucher • Account Opening

 Cash Deposit • Account Closing
 Cheque Deposit • Dormant Reactivation • Security Guard
• Debit Card Application • Fire Extinguisher
• Cheque
 A/C payee Cheque • Internet and mobile banking • Alarm System
 Bearer Cheque • Cheque request issuance • CCTV Camera
 Order Cheque • Bank Statement and Balance
• Withdrawal Slip
Deposit Voucher
 Receipt for the amount (cash and/or cheque) deposited in the bank.
 There’s no concept of stale deposit voucher but post-dated voucher should not be accepted.

 What to verify?
 Date of the transaction
 Account No (to whose account it has to be deposited to)
 Denomination of cash (if cash deposit)
 Source of income

 ?=!) nfv jf ;f] eGbf a9Lsf] lgIf]k :jLsf/ ubf{ Ohfhtkqk|fKt a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn] /sdsf] ;|f]t u|fxsnfO{ pNn]v ug{ nufpg' kg]{5 . (19.15.2)
 Depositer’s Name and Signature (Phone No.)
 System printed deposit verification

 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?df u|fxsx?n] gub jf r]saf6 vftfdf /sd hDdf ubf{ ;f]sf ] System printed k|df0f ef}r/df clgjfo{ ?kdf pNn]v ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg' kg]{ 5 . (22.39)
 Id of the depositer other than Account holder
 s'g} klg a}+s vftfdf ;DalGwt vftf ;~rfns afx]s cGo s'g} JolQmn] ?=! nfv eGbf a9L /sd gub} hDdf ug{ cfPdf /sd hDdf ug]{ JolQmsf] klxrfg
v'Ng] sfuhft lnO{ gub hDdf ug'{sf] k|of]hg ;d]t v'nfpg' kg]{5 . (19.2.5)
 Signature verified stamp if account holder himself deposits
 If thumbprint customer deposits, in stead of signature verified stamp, photo of the depositor is verified.
 The signature of depositer in the deposit slip and ID must be same.
Withdrawal Slip

 It is as good as cheque
 Especially used by thumbprint customers but can be availed by other account holder as well.
 Limit of withdrawal is limited
 Approval of OI/ Branch manager is required
 What to verify?
 Name and Account No of the withdrawal
 Signature verified stamp
 Denomination of cash
 ID of the withdrawer stamped with “Verified with original”
 Withdrawal Slip Register needs to be updated with reason of using withdrawal slip
 Must be used in serial order, if cancelled then the proof is required
 In case of thumbprint account holder, the staff of the bank need to address “Self Present”.

 An instrument to used withdraw cash from the bank or used as the substitute of
cash for deposit in the account.
 Types:
 Bearer Cheque
 Account Payee Cheque
 Order Cheque**
Cheque drawn by individual

 What to verify?
 Check whether it is a genuine cheque or not? (stop cheque, MICR, Name of the drawer,
torn or not etc.)
 Nature of the cheque
 Date on the cheque (Stale, Normal, Post Dated)
 Name and Id (case to case)* of the payee.
 Amount in words and Numbers.
 Signature Verified stamp and Paid/Transfer Stamp.
 Denomination at the rear side of the cheque.
 Signature of the payee.
 Paid stamp is to be affixed in the paid cheque.
Cheque drawn by company

 What to verify?
 Check whether it is a genuine cheque or not? (stop cheque, MICR, Name of the drawer, torn or not
 Nature of the cheque
 Date on the cheque (Stale, Normal, Post Dated)
 Name and Id (case to case)* of the payee
 Amount in words and Numbers
 Signature Verified stamp (Teller should check whether the signatory specified in the account opening
form or not. Must as directed in the special instructions)
 Denomination at the rear side of the cheque
 Signature of the payee at the rear end
 Stamp of the Company at the rear end of the cheque
 Paid/Transfer stamp is to be affixed in the paid cheque.
Cheque related issues

 Split Cheque
 The cheque which are deliberately used to avoid the following clause of NRB Directive
 @$= r]s lSnol/Ë tyf e'QmfgL ;DaGwL Joj:yfM
!= Ohfhtkqk|fKt a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn] ?= !) nfv jf ;f]eGbf a9Lsf] /sd e'QmfgL ubf{ clgjfo{ ?kdf PsfpG6k]oL r]s
dfkm{t\ jf ;DalGwt JolQmsf] vftfdf dfq e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{]5 . ;fy}, kmd{, sDkgL, ;+:yf jf sfof{nosf] gfddf lvlrPsf
r]sx?sf] e'QmfgL ;d]t PsfpG6k]oL x'g' kg]{5 . t/, b]xfosf] cj:yfdf pNn]lvt ;Ldf eGbf a9Lsf] /sd gub e'QmfgL
ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}gM
-s_ s'g} lgIf]kstf{ jf artstf{n] s'g} vf; sf/0f b]vfO{ gub e'QmfgLsf] nflu lbPsf] lgj]bgsf] Joxf]/f / sf/0f dgfl;a
b]lvPdf To:tf] lgIf]kstf{ jf artstf{nfO{ pNn]lvt ;LdfeGbf a9L gub e'QmfgL ug{, -a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn] o; Joj:yf
adf]lhd gub e'QmfgL lbPsf] dfl;s ljj/0f cBfjlws ug'{ kg]{5 ._ (related to 19.15)
:ki6Ls/0f M
o; k|of]hgsf nflu k|fyldstfk|fKt k"jf{wf/ cfof]hgfx? h:t} hnljB't, ;8s, ;~rf/ h:tf If]qx?df sd{rf/L tyf >ldsx?sf]
kfl/>lds÷Hofnf e'QmfgL ug{, g]kfn ;/sf/sf ljleGg lgsfo tyf ljleGg cfof]hgfx?df cfjZos dfn;fdfgx?sf] cfk"lt{ ug{,
g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ j'emfpg' kg]{ /fh:j e'QmfgL ug{, sfg'gL sf/jfxLsf] l;nl;nfdf ljuf]÷w/f}6L÷hdfgt /sd hDdf ug{,
k]G;g SofDk dfkm{t k]G;g ljt/0f ug{, g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljt/0f ug]{ /fxt, cg'bfg jf ;xfotf ljt/0f ug{, ljk|]if0f
sDkgL÷Ph]G6x?n] ljk|]if0f k|fKt ug]{ JolQmx?nfO{ /sd e'QmfgL ug{ lgj]bg lnO{ pNn]lvt ;Ldf eGbf a9L gub
e'QmfgL lbg ;lsg]5 . o; cg';f/ e'QmfgL ePsf] /sdsf] ljj/0f ;DalGwt a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf a'emfpg' kg]{5 .
 Cheque drawn against company
 ;fy}, kmd{, sDkgL, ;+:yf jf sfof{nosf] gfddf lvlrPsf r]sx?sf] e'QmfgL ;d]t
PsfpG6k]oL x'g' kg]{5 .
 &= ;+:yfsf] gfddf lvlrPsf r]s ;DalGwt ;+:yf cfkm}n] vftfdf hDdf
ug{ k7fpFbf ;DalGwt ;+:yfsf] k|i6 a'lemg] 5fk r]ssf] k5fl8 clgjfo{ ?kdf nufPsf]
x'g'kg]{5 . t/ ;DalGwt ;+:Yffsf] nflu cGo JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] To:tf] r]s
vftfdf hDdf ul/lbFbf eg] 5fk nufpg clgjfo{ x'g] 5}g . (22.24.7)

 Approval of Teller Head/OI/ branch Manager.

 Limit has been set as per post of the Teller/OI/Branch Manager.
 Id of the Payee*
 Subject to the policy of the bank. In case of Order Cheque, it is a must.
Electronic Cheque Clearing (ECC)

 The cheque of other bank presented for payment

 Always Account payee (deemed)
Step 1 Step 2
Nepal Clearing
Bank A Bank B
Step 4 Step 3

 Step 1:
 Mr. A takes a cheque of Bank B and presents in Bank A
 Bank A sends the cheque for Clearing/Settlement ( endorsement is required)
 Nepal Clearing House Ltd acts as a mediator between 2 banks.
 Step 2:
 The cheque presented shall be scanned and sent
 Bank B verifies as if the cheque has been presented in its own bank
 Verifies the details whether amount is sufficient and other issues explained above.

 Step 3:
 After Verification, the message is sent back to Bank A through NCH.
 If it is Ok to clear or not.

 Step 4:
 Bank A receives the instruction, whether to credit the account or not.
 If Yes, then Cr Amount in account holders.
 If No, calls the depositer and return the cheque. Record of such returned cheque is required in separate
register along with reason of rejection.
 The same rejected cheque can be represented again (if it is because of insufficient amount), but if it
gets rejected 3 times, the cheque shall have no value to it. It becomes a case of Cheque-bouncing.
Other topics related to Cheque

 Stop Payment Cheque

 Eg: Ram lost his cheque book of NBM Bank. The lost cheque imposes a great risk and can be
misutilized. So, Mr. Ram goes to the NMB bank and informs the bank that his cheque book has
been lost. An application is filled for stoppage of cheque and the cheque previously issued to him
will be marked “Stopped” in the system.
 Cases:
 What if the cheque has been already encashed in some branch by forging the signature of Mr.
 What if Mr. Ram had found the cheque book in his car trunk and he himself presents the stopped
cheque for payment?
 What if Mr. Ram draws cheque to Mr. Hari, the same stopped cheque, and present it into the
 What if Mr. Ram draws a good cheque to Mr. Hari but applies for Stop Payment of Cheque before
Mr. Hari presents it into the bank?
Stop Cheque

 What to verify?
 The application is presented or not
 Check whether the cheque has been marked “stopped “ in the system or not?
 Check the Stop Payment Register, either updated or not?
 Check whether the previously stopped cheque has been reversed or not? All or
Good for Payment Cheque(GFP)

 A cheque that holds a significance that the amount is guaranteed to be received by the payee of the
cheque. It is always A/C Payee cheque
 Eg:
 Mr. A and Mr. B held an agreement between them for NRs. 1 Crore. Mr. B suspects that Mr. A may fault,
and ask for Good for Payment Cheque such that when the agreement is finished, Mr. B is guaranteed of
that money. Mr. A asks his bank to marked his cheque “ Good for Payment”.
 What to verify?
 This cheque is same as any other normal cheque but with following features:
 GFP cheque is signed by at least two bank staff.
 The amount of Cheque should be debited in the account of the drawer and park in the separate parking
account until it is presented.

 Cases
 What if GFP becomes stale?
Fixed Deposit

 A certain sum deposited by the customer for a certain period of time. The interest rate paid on FD is higher than
normal saving accounts.
 Loan can be availed against FD Receipt.
 What to verify?
 Ohfhtkqk|fKt ;+:yfx?n] d'2tL lgIf]kstf{ u|fxsnfO{ ;f] d'2tL lgIf]k /l;bsf] lwtf]df shf{ k|bfg ubf{ To:tf] shf{df nfUg]
Aofhb/ d'2tL lgIf]kdf k|bfg ul/Psf] Aofhb/df s] slt k|ltzt laGb'n] yk u/L to ul/g] xf] jf cfwf/ b/sf cfwf/df to ug]{ xf]
eg] s] slt lk|ldod yk u/L to ul/g] xf], ;f] ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt u|fxsnfO{ d'2tL lgIf]k vftf vf]Nbfs} jvt hfgsf/L
lbO{ lghsf] lnlvt ;xdlt lng' kg]{5 . o;/L u|fxsn] ;xdlt hgfPsf] eGbf km/s 9+un] To:tf] shf{sf] Aofhb/ sfod ug{ kfOg]
5}g . -!%=#=-!@__
 Authorized signature from bank staff (on receipt as well as register)
 Signature of the receiver ( on receipt as well as register)
 The original FD Receipt should be given the account holder himself.
 Cases:
 What if the customer had opened FD for 12 months but decided to cancel it after 11 months?
Bank Statement and Balance Certificate

 Bank Statement and Balance Certificate are used to verify the balance of the account holder.
 Bank Statement is a debit and credit entry and is not a document verified by the bank
 Balance Certificate on the other hand is given by the bank that assures the balance of the account holder for the date specified.
 The balance certificate and bank statement must not be given of the same date of the application provided by the customer.
 What to verify?
 Bank Statement
 The application for the request is required with signature of the applicant or that of mandate.
 The charge for the same is determined as per the policy of the bank
 The register is to be maintained where signature of bank staff and receiver of the statement is attested.

 Balance Certificate
 The application for the request is required with signature of the applicant or mandate.
 The copy of balance certificate is required to be kept by the bank. It must be signed by receiver as well (stamp, if applicable)
 The original balance certificate must have signature of the authorized bank staff and stamp of the bank.
 The register is to be maintained where signature of bank staff and receiver of the certificate must be attested.
Cheque Issuance

 What to verify?
 The application for cheque request is to be made with signature(mandate/ account
holder) and no of leafs required by the account holder. ( the cheque no. should
also be written)
 The register for the same has to be maintained, where the cheque no should be
serial order, if any cheques printed(damaged) or not printed are seen on the
register, the reason for the same should be mentioned.
 The signature of the issuer and receiver is to be attested in the register. (stamp, if
ATM Card Related Issues
ATM card has two parts:
Issuance and after issuance
 The application for the ATM card is made by filling the form. Signature verified stamp and details of the
sender(bank staff) must be filled in the application form.
 The card and PIN are delivered to the branch on different dates and provided to two different personnel of
the bank. After receipt, the staff must update the register of ATM Card and ATM Pin as the custodian of
 When the customer arrives to collect the card, he must take Card and Pin from two different staffs and
signed on the register. For this purpose, the account holder must come and collect (Mandatee?)
After Issuance
It deals with the problem in card after issuance. Some may be:
 The amount has been debited but the cash was not withdrawn from ATM machine or has not been accepted
by the POS machine.
 Card stucked in ATM machine.
For the above mentioned, an application must be written by the customer. Such application should be directed
towards Card Department.
Yo u! !
Tha nk

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