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Swarm Dynamics

Emerging from


Definition of Swarm Dynamics
Swarm dynamics are patterns of collective behavior that emerge from the actions and
interactions of a group of individuals. This behavior can be seen in a variety of natural and
artificial systems, including flocks of birds, schools of fish, and swarms of robots.
Heterogeneity of Swarm:

Heterogeneity in swarms refers to the presence of

diverse characteristics, behaviors, or abilities among the
individual agents within the swarm. This diversity can
lead to complex and adaptive collective behaviors
Examples of Asymmetry in Swarm Behavior

Predator-Prey Bias towards neighbors Resource Availability

Asymmetry in resource
Asymmetry in predator-prey Individuals in a swarm may availability can lead to
interactions can lead to exhibit bias towards their competitive or cooperative
interesting swarm dynamics. nearest neighbors, resulting in behavior within a swarm. For
For example, the presence of a asymmetrical interactions. This example, honeybees may
predator can cause a group of can lead to clustering or other compete for resources while
prey to move together in a emergent patterns. ants may cooperate to find
synchronized manner. food.
The Role of Individual Asymmetry
1 Individual Differences

Asymmetry in individual behavior can influence the dynamics of the swarm as a whole. Differences
in speed, strength, or decision-making abilities can affect how individuals interact and ultimately
affect the swarm's collective behavior.

2 Nonlinear Interactions

The interactions between individuals in a swarm are highly nonlinear and can result in complex
emergent behavior. Asymmetry in these interactions can lead to even more complexity.

3 Feedback Loops

Asymmetry can create positive or negative feedback loops within a swarm, amplifying or
dampening certain behaviors.
Patterns Found in Swarm Robotics:
Algorithm of Swarm Chemistry:

• Swarm Chemistry Plays an Important role in the the Swarm Dynamics from Asymmetry. It is an

best extended version of swarm model Boids.

• Kinetic rules in Boids:

a.)Straying If there are no other agents within its local perception range, steer randomly.

b.)Cohesion (c1) Steer to move toward the average position of nearby agents.

c.)Alignment (c2) Steer toward the average velocity of nearby agents.

d.)Separation (c3) Steer to avoid collision with nearby agents.

e.)Randomness (c4) Steer randomly with a given probability.

f.)Self-propulsion (c5) Approximate

Overview of Algorithm
It describes the kinetic rules to govern the movement of agents in SC ~xi, ~vi, ~v0 i and~ai are the location, the current
velocity, the next velocity, and the acceleration of the i-th agent, respectively. r and rp are random numbers in [0, 1) and
[-p, +p), respectively. The interaction properties of an agent are described by 8 kinetic parameters (KPs) denoted as
(R, Vn, Vm, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)

Nj (j = 1, . . . ,M) at the beginning of each row denotes the number of agents that share the same
set of KPs. The parameters newly introduced in SC are:
R: the perception range to define the size of the neighborhood
Vn: the ideal speed
Vm: the maximum speed
Algorithm 1 Flow Chart:
Algorithm 1 Program in SC:

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