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Psychoanalysis />

By: Aldrin, Lorenzo, Janlyn, Airah

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-Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy
that helps people understand and deal
with their emotions, thoughts, and
behaviors. It was developed by
Sigmund Freud in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries.
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Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

-Was an Austrian Neurologist

-Known as the father of ‘’Psychoanalysis’’

-Freud believed that ‘’people

could be cured by making
conscious their unconscious
thoughts and motivations’’

-Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy that aims to release pent-up or repressed
emotions and memories in order to lead the client to healing.
-A theory of the mind and its direct connection to a personality or behavior.

-A method for treating depression and anxiety disorders or mental illness.

Personality Theory
‘’Psychosexual development of personality’’

Which posits that at different stages of growth; the

individual derives pleasures from different parts of the
body. This is Called “Libido”

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5 Stages of Psychosexual Development of Personality

Oral Stage

Anal Stage
Oral Stage
-Manifest from birth to approximately 18 months
-Pleasure is derived from the use of mouth in activities such
as sucking, chewing, and biting

-Personality developed in this staged is dependence

-This begins at 18 months and last until 3 years old

-The child seeks pleasure from the anus

-Personality developed in this stage is independence,

self-control, orderliness, and sense of accomplishment

-This begins at 3 years old to 6 years of age

-This is what Freud termed as Oedipus Complex for boys and

the Electra Complex for girls.

-Ego is Developed More

-The child seeks pleasure from penis and clitoris


-Pleasure is gained through same sex/peer friendship

Latent Stage 6-12 years of age

-Personality developed in this stage are associated with

social skills and social interactions

-12 years of age onward (Puberty to adulthood)

-seeks marriage partner

-Personality developed in this stage is sexual maturity

Genital Stag
Key Concepts in Psychoanalysis

Contains all the feelings, urges, or

instincts that are beyond our
awareness but it affect our
expressing, feeling, action.

Facts stored in a part of the brain,

which are not conscious but are
available for possible use in the

Only level of mental life that are

directly available to us

The awareness of our own mental

Personality consist of three parts

The "id" in personality is like a primal, instinctual part of our
mind. It's all about seeking immediate pleasure and avoiding
discomfort without thinking much about the consequences or
what's considered right or wrong. It's driven by basic needs like
hunger, thirst, and desires for things like sex.

Imagine it as the impulsive side that just wants what it wants,

without thinking too much about the bigger picture or how it
might affect others. It's like the little kid inside you that says, "I
want it now!" This part of our personality is important, but it's
The "ego" in personality is like the practical, problem-solving
part of our mind. It helps us navigate the world by considering
reality and what's socially acceptable. The ego balances the
desires of the impulsive "id" with what is doable and

Think of the ego as the grown-up in your mind. It's the voice that
says, "Let's find a sensible way to get what you want without
causing trouble." It helps us make decisions that take into
account both our desires and the reality of the situation. The ego
The "superego" in personality is like our inner rule book. It's all
about what's right and wrong, based on society's standards and
our own sense of morality. The superego helps us make choices
that align with our values and the greater good, even if it means
sacrificing some personal desires.

Think of the superego as the moral compass in your mind. It's

like a wise and responsible friend who reminds you to do what's
ethical and fair. It guides us towards making decisions that
consider the well-being of others and uphold our principles. The

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