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Thematic Analysis:

An Assessment of Self
Shaquanda Stephenson
November 15, 2023
OGL 482
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
The OGL 482 Thematic Analysis is a qualitative research project which utilizes personal and meaningful documents and artifacts derived from
OGL class assignments and assessments. Using in vido coding, capturing the descriptive and interpretive coding language in said documents
and artifacts, I will develop 10 personal themes in my personal language that captures my lived experiences. Documents and artifacts used to
develop my personal themes include Yellowdig answers, a career anchor assessment, leadership lesson learned from a novel, additional
leadership assessments conducted in OGL 220, and additional supporting items identifying my accomplishments.
Challenges to the research method and development of my analysis stemmed mostly from figuring out what information within the
documents available were relevant to the assignment and finding the common them among them. My value based life themes to be discussed
1.Business & Entrepreneurship
2.Self Development
3.Spiritual Growth & Fulfillment
4.Education & Skill
6.Freedom & Independence
7.Purpose in Life
8.Personal Expectations
My Data Sources
My data sources are derived from the Yellowdig responses from the Three
Questions by Michael Himes, Values and Dreams, Career Anchors Assessment,
Book Project paper from Unit 2, and two other leadership assessments from OGL
220. I will also highlight some of my accomplishments that line up with the findings
of my data collection and in vido coding.
Data Sources
1. Three Questions by Michael Himes -
2. Inspiration Book Project
3. Dreams & Desires Assignment
4. Unit 1 Self-Assessment
5. OGL 220 Career Anchor Descriptions
6. Work Type Assessment – Challenger
7. OGL 220 Goal Orientation Survey
8. Supporting personal achievements in support of theme choices
My 10 Themes
1. Business & Entrepreneurship
2. Self Development
3. Spiritual Growth & Fulfillment
4. Education & Skill
5. Coaching
6. Freedom & Independence
7. Purpose in Life
8. Personal Expectations
9. Health
10. Character
Coding Snapshots
Theme 1: Business & Entrepreneurship
Theme Statement: Business and entrepreneurship were something I never wanted to do in my life until I followed what was
in my heart to do. Since then, over 15 years ago, I discovered it was always in me and what I would find my greatest
moments of life in.
•Supporting Data:
• Under section 3 of the Self-Assessment assignment, I mentioned the centralized message of one of my businesses
being empowerment, but that actually applies to all of them. (Self-Assessment)
• A strong need to create a new business and being firmly rooted in ownership were key identifiers from my OGL 220
Career Anchor assessment. In addition, in my father’s family, majority of my cousins run their own businesses, so it’s
what I grew up around. In my mother’s family, there were not business owners, but just about everyone owned
multi-family homes and those without homes rented from them as often as possible. Ownership and business have
always surrounded me! (OGL 220 Career Anchor Description)
• In the work type assessment, under types of professions and positions of a Challenger, education and consulting,
internal trainer, professor, and coach were listed. They also mentioned marketing, advertising, and public relations.
All of these resonate with me and play a part in what I do today. (Work Type Assessment: Challenger)
• My entrepreneurial and business endeavors included over 15 years as a graphic designer providing design, printing
and self-publishing services to clients. I have written seven of my own books and work in-part or in-whole on almost
50 books for other individuals. Here is my website: for an overall view.
• The next slide depicts some of my work from the pages of my catalog. The product packaging page are a couple of
my actual packages.
Theme 2: Self Development
Theme Statement: Self development is extremely important, especially if you are an entrepreneur. Over the last 17 or so years, one recurring
theme I saw in my endeavors was that I would hit road blocks until I learned a lesson. Each of those lessons helped me to grow within myself
and then within my business. Today, I teach that you cannot grow your business beyond where you are within yourself. This is the running
theme in my coaching and the foundation of why I chose to concentrate on personal development for Christian entrepreneurs.

•Supporting Data:
• In the three questions assignment about joy, almost all of my answers had to do with self development. My answers spoke about
what I learned, mentioned how I got to know myself, and focused on self discovery so I could learn how to be myself. (Three
• The inspiration book project led me to a beloved novel that taught me a lot about leadership, being tested, fearful, self-development,
and showed me what the journey looked like. The outcome of the book, and what I think my will be, was positive influence and the
leader (pastor) coming into his own within himself and in his purpose in life. (Inspiration Book Project)
• I have always been in denial concerning some things about myself that others noticed right away. For instance, getting a D on the
DISC assessment three times was heart wrenching to me because didn’t want to be the dominant person. For years, I was in denial
about who I truly was. The self development journey helped me accept who I am. (Unit 1 Self-Assessment)
• While at ASU the past almost two years, I have been unable to read my one to two books per month, but I have a long list to work on
starting in January. The list includes a mixed bag of spiritual and natural books, all with the same aim: to help me continue to heal and
grow. Some titles are The Oath (Frank E. Peretti), Soul Decrees (Katie Souza), Crushing It (Gary Vaynerchuk), The 16 Undeniable Laws
of Communication (John C. Maxwell), Unbreakable (Tony Robbins), and many more!
• Almost daily, I go on YouTube and watch a video I have saved to either Watch Later or My Mentors and choose something that will
‘pour’ positivity and lessons into me. The point is to always feed myself hope, faith, and positivity. These days, I mostly consume
Myron Golden, but there are others.
Theme 3: Spiritual Growth & Fulfillment
Theme Statement: Since 2003, I have made everything I do be based on the way I feel God, my Higher Power, leads me, even when I don’t like
it. Spiritual growth and fulfillment work hand in hand with my self development and business. This was not a deep theme within my
documents, but there were moments. I chose to use it as a theme because it is so much a part of who I am, what I do, and more importantly,
why I do it.

•Supporting Data:
• The pastor mentioned in the book This Present Darkness learned how powerful his prayers were in that they activated the angels to
work on his behalf in regard to what he was praying for. The pastor could not see what was going on, but the author wrote the book
from three perspectives so the reader could understand how the natural and spiritual world intertwine. In terms of spiritual growth,
know that your prayers have purpose and are being answered even when you don’t think they are is very important. You also realize
how important we all are to each other. (Inspiration Book Project)
• Under dreams and desires, I spoke about personal ministry. My ministry and business work hand in
hand because it is where most of my work is. I have worked almost every area in church including
Bible study teacher, children’s church teach, administrator, praise and worship leader, personal
assistant, event organizer, and much more! These things helped prepare me for working on my own
(Dreams and Desires Assessment)
• A part of my personal ministry is leading a monthly prayer call for Christian entrepreneurs where I
minister to them about what our Higher Power has given me concerning our next month of
business. It is call Vision Casters.
Theme 4: Education & Skill
Theme Statement: Education goes hand in hand with self development, in my opinion.
•Supporting Data:
• My goal for years was to finish my bachelors degree. I knew I didn’t need the degree to get a better job because I’m not looking for a
job, but I also didn’t know how much more I would grow within myself during the coursework. (Dreams and Desires Assignmnt))
• The OGL 220 Career Anchor noted that my assessment type reaches for a high level of education and that intellectual discipline was
very important. Before me, no one in at least my mother’s family went to college and finished. As far I know, no one in my father’s
immediate family did either. Since my first degree in 2003, in my mother’s family, there are now multiple Bachelor and Master
degrees, two more graduating college next year, and in 2024, I’ll be the first with a doctorate degree. (OGL 220 Career Anchor
• I could not find my Masters of Theology (House of Refuge Theological Seminary, June 2023) degree and my Associates degree (Union
County College, 2002) is packed away to take pictures of and insert here. I will be finished at Arizona State University in December
2023 and I am in an accelerated coursework program for my Doctorate in Theology (House of Refuge Theological Seminary, June
2024). Education is important and I have had to struggle and fight for this, but I refused to give up no matter the circumstances
standing before me because it’s important to finish. My doctorate will qualify me to apply for positions as a professor in religious
studies. Being a professor is actually one of my goals and it is on my Work Type Assessment as well.
Theme 5: Coaching
Theme Statement: I am new to coaching, but have been doing it freely for years. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of guiding hundreds
of people, if not more. My guidance has mostly been spiritual in nature, however there have been educational guidance, life guidance, and
personal development guidance.

•Supporting Data:
• For me coaching is a business, but it is also listed under the Work Type Assessment under business and entrepreneurship. I chose to
name some of the themes a little different, but the meaning behind them cross over to other themes. (Work Type Assessment:
• In coaching, you build leadership concepts used to leader those you are coaching or making disciples (these have many parallels).
One book I use is The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio. Leadership concepts are not just a do this, do that type of thing. It also
brings understanding and with understanding comes acceptance and some times healing. (Inspiration Book Project)
• My coaching ‘business’ has not officially started, so I don’t have any collateral to share. I have been working on deciding what my
basic offerings will be, who my ideal client is, etc. Those are some of the core basics of building the brand. I’m not rushing it, but as
mentioned, I’ve already been doing it for years. The only difference is I will now attach a price to it. Below is my logo. It is the Seven
Mountains Coaching Group.
Theme 6: Freedom & Independence
Theme Statement: I came into my current way of life kicking and screaming, not wanting to take this path. However, since that time, I have
grown to learn about and understand what freedom and independence is and how much I love it!

•Supporting Data:
• My career anchor scores placed me under autonomy and independence, which, in this assignment
I changed to freedom. Autonomy is just working alone with no direct supervision, but freedom
releases you from those confines. The assessment says that I have an overriding need to do things
my way (I do) and that I have no strong sense of loyalty or affiliation with any organization, and I
don’t. ()
• Part of freedom is my impromptu naps and the ability to stop everything and slow it down to my
pace. It sounds funny or weird, but I find joy in the simplest things. Being able to take a nap at will
be it in my car or at home beings me peace. When I am overwhelmed and need to take a moment
to lay down and reset my brain, freedom and independence afford me that opportunity so I’m not
frustrated and fighting with myself. (Three questions)
• My freedom and independence are not about having lounge time or jet setting around the world.
It is more about being free to fulfill my purpose in life. Some of that purpose comes through my
businesses, but there is more to it. Here is the link to my TikTok channel:
Theme 7: Purpose in Life
Theme Statement: Purpose is all around us. It surrounds us wherever we go. Under various other themes
throughout this document, there are sprinkles of my purpose and what it is. None of what ended up being my
purpose was asked for by me, but as I embraced it and pursued it through avenues such as education and
personal development, I found myself becoming more content with life. My purpose brings me a satisfaction I
would not have otherwise known.

•Supporting Data:
• My self assessment identified me as a leader, manager, and entrepreneur. It also mentioned my helping people, needing purpose,
and leadership. (Self-Assessment)
• My purpose in life is attached to my destiny. It leads me to enable other people to embrace their call and act on it, as well as
complete God’s plan. (Inspirational Book Project)
• My ministry licenses are packed up, but I have had three of them, two in an official capacity. Between three different driving
platforms, in the past six years, I have given over 10,000 rides and have ministered to people daily, if not multiple times per day. I
have been able to help young people come up with life plans in their short rides in my car! It has been rewarding to say the least. My
purpose literally drives me everyday. Between my work and school, I’m working towards what my Higher Power has for me.
• The next slide has a few screenshots from my website that speak to things I have already accomplished or am working on. My
business endeavors are tied directly to my purpose in life.
Theme 8: Personal Expectations
Theme Statement: My personal expectation are unreal, harsh, and overwhelming, but I can’t help myself. My grandmother taught
me that when you are better, be good; when you are good, be great; when you are great, strive for the next best thing. I’m a driven
person, sometimes to my own detriment.

•Supporting Data:
• The question Michael asked was what gives me joy. My answer was based on my personal
expectations of myself and my life. I don’t know why I give myself what seems like unrealistic
goals and then drive myself mad trying to fulfill it. But it brings me joy! (3Q)
• I am almost 46 years old and concerning certain expectations I had for myself, I am far
behind. Those items I wanted to check off my list included homeownership, marriage, and
motherhood. I also feel that if I had given in to the pursuit I am on now at an earlier time
instead of fighting with it, I would have already achieved my financial stability. (Dreams and
Desires Assignment)
• In business, my unrealistic expectations are present as well. Everyday I write the most wildly
insane to do list and then feel like a failure when I don’t finish it. I always feel like I could
have done a little more.
Theme 9: Health
Theme Statement: Loving my family sacrificially, leading my family in grace and truth, and putting my family’s
needs and interests above my own ambitions are central themes to my life.

•Supporting Data:
• My family is a primary source of joy for me. A major part of what I believe it
means to live a successful life is based on properly caring for my family to the
very best of my ability. (3Q)
• Being a husband and father are privileged roles which supersede my
commitments in the professional world. Additionally, these roles give
tremendous shape to my decision-making and future planning activities. (ID)
• Plus 3 more…
Theme 10: Character
Theme Statement: I believe it was Bishop TD Jakes who, well over 10 years ago, said that your character will keep you where God places you (an inexact paraphrase,
not a direct quote). Along with personal development comes character development. I didn’t add the themes as one because character can’t be learned from a book
or gleaned from someone else's’ actions. Character development is a separate journey.

•Supporting Data:
• Compassion is built over time. It is the thing in you that identifies and sympathizes with other people in
their plight. I didn’t have this, at all, until I found myself standing on the city welfare line in three layers
of clothes with only enough money to get home. I stood with my back to the street so no one I knew
would see me. Going through the welfare process for a few weeks gave me firsthand insight on how
poorly people in places like that are treated and it angered me. Since that time, I have been homeless,
without lights, some times no food; I have had thousands of dollars, great credit, and love. Through
both ends of the spectrum, I have grown to understand that no matter how much money or status you
have, you’re still only one paycheck away from welfare. I never look down on people and will stop my
entire day to sit with them and help them figure out what to do. It’s my pleasure because of the
compassion for people God built up in my heart. (Inspiration Book Project)
• Character was only in the one assignment and there were a couple of other themes I could have fit into
at least two places, but character is very important, so I didn’t want to leave it off.
My Personal Vision Statement

My personal vision is to radiate God’s love wherever I go,

through every platform afforded me, for the purpose of
healing and restoration.

Reflection: This quote by Lauryn Hill lives on my website and the signature
of my emails because it reminds me to just be myself. I spent years being
what I thought people would like and accept me as. Ms. Hill’s spiritual
awakening came when I was just entering into mine and the most hurtful
thing was that I had lost myself. Her quote became my personal mantra:
My Personal Mission Statement

I am dedicated to assisting Christians uncover and cultivate the leader

in them through personal and spiritual development.

Reflection: These are vision and mission statements I have had for
many years now. However, every time I grow within myself, I revisit
them. Learning more not only about myself, but about business, and
my purpose in this life helps me to continually refine my message. I
have had the current statements since 2019. After finishing school in
June 2024, I will revisit them.
The qualitative research done for this thematic analysis challenging, but enriching. I
learned how to utilize the assignments accumulated throughout different
coursework at ASU to gain a deeper understanding of myself as a leader. The in
vido coding made it easier for me to see a running theme for the purpose of clarity
and and further leadership development. The 10 personal themes categorized my
thoughts and allowed me to see what was and was not important to me. Using
such a research method would be beneficial to anyone pursuing a leadership
Big five personality test. (n.d.). Retrieved from personality-test/

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