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Emmajean Bustamonte
November 12, 2023
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
• Reflecting upon my educational journey throughout ASU, I have compiled a set of themes
that I feel reflect who I am, and who I hope to become throughout my personal and
professional journey. These ten themes are provided through personal thoughts, as well as
supporting data which has come directly from my work and research as an Organizational
Leadership student.

•Values and Dreams (VD):

•Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCI):
•Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSC):
•Super’s Work Values Inventory (SWV):
•Career Anchors Assessment (CAA):
•Holland Personality Traits (HPT):
•“The Big 5” Self Assessment (TB5):
•Major and Career Quiz (MCQ):
•Humanmetrics Jung Typoloy Test (HJT) :
•Interviewing Project (IP):
MY 10
THEME • The 10 themes highlighted
throughout this presentation is what
I believe to be a strong

representation of myself both
personally and professionally. These
themes were carefully analyzed
throughout my data researched, and
carefully chosen to present.
Theme Statement: Being able to be someone who others feel comfortable asking for support, guidance, and advice is
something that I have always found to be very important to me.

• Supporting Data:
• My strength in listening has always resulted in me being someone that many go to when problems arise, or advice may be needed on a
specific situation. I have always done my best to provide the knowledge and experience I have in life to others, in hopes that it may
lead them to a better understanding of what it is they may be going through. (KCI)
• Stated by one of my three interviews: “You have a natural ability to make those around you feel comfortable. You welcome in
everyone around you without the professional pressure. It is easy to be yourself around you, which is hard for people to do especially
when they feel they need to put on a specific persona when at their place of work. “ (IP)
• I chose to take on the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, with my result type being ISFJ. This type is described as, characterized
above all by their desire to serve others, which in the end is something I find happiness as well as value in and hope to find throughout
my future career goals. (HJT)

• Contradictory Evidence:
• Through completing my Career Interest Assessment, educator was at the top of the list for careers to explore. I have
never seen myself as someone who would be a good teacher to others, rather I see myself as a good listener and an
interested learner (KCI)

• Reflection:
• I have held a very strong passion for helping others, starting at a very young age. I believe that we not only have a
duty to ourselves, but a duty to one another as well. If I hold the ability to help those around me in any way I can, I
believe in doing so. There is so much hate that has filed this world, I believe if I can be a

• Theme Statement:
• While I believe in the importance of education and doing well within my professional life, I do believe in also valuing
things that bring me joy outside the pursuit of professional success.
• Supporting Data:
• When I reflect upon my dreams and what I truly want in life, I notice a specific reoccurring theme that my top dreams do not
focus on professional success, rather the personal dreams I have for myself.(VD)

• I also know in order to makes dreams come true, I need a plan of execution. Becoming financially comfortable to allow myself to
pursue personal dreams is a big goal of mine. Finding a career within human resources where I am happy in my position, the
culture, and environment is also extremely important to me. I have always enjoyed working, I find I am my best self when I have
routine. However, I find that I work to live, not live to work. (VD)

• Reviewing my top five values which include supervision, security, lifestyle, workplace, and coworkers, each one of these reflect
upon my feelings toward the importance of healthy and positive relationships not only with others, but as well as the personal
relationship that is created between work-life balance. (SWV)

• Contradictory Evidence:
• While I do not have any contradictory evidence to provide, I believe this is due to my confidence in known what is important to me and
knowing that there is a specific balance needed in both my personal and professional life in order to create and maintain my dreams.

• Reflection:
• I believe work/life balance is one of the most important factors which most, if not all, working people need in order to live a happier and
healthier life. I am not someone who finds life success to be in my career journey, rather than in my abilities to find the time to pursue
things I truly enjoy and find personal happiness in.
Theme Statement:
• With the large divide the world has been facing throughout many different avenues, it is important to me that I remain
true to myself and who I am.

•Supporting Data:
• When completing the Big 5 assessment, I rated very high in agreeableness which is something I am working 9on through
finding my own voice without the fear of others not agreeing with my thoughts or opinions. (TB5)

• Throughout my time in different professional fields, the one responsibility that I have maintained has included a specific
type of customer support approach. This has given me the chance to develop my social skills over time with the many
positions I have held in my professional journey. This specific assessment has given me the chance to reflect upon the
work I have done and hope to continue to do, while instilling a sense of confidence in my abilities and knowing where I
stand when it comes to the professional strengths that I possess. (KSC)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Stated by one of my interviews: “I know you get nervous to speak up sometimes especially with (higher ups). I think you battle
with yourself when it comes to sharing certain ideas you have because you are nervous about people not agreeing, or feeling
they aren’t adequate to add to the conversation. All opinions matter, and you are someone who is in a position of power, but
you don’t allow yourself to believe it. “ (IP)

• Reflection:
• While I feel that I am confident in who I am, I do struggle with the thought of not being “good enough” or not being accepted
by those around me. The fear of rejection is hard for me to face. However, I do need to be more confident in who I am, what I
know, and what I believe, and not shy aware from sharing that with others.
Theme Statement: Remaining close with those around me who I love, by maintaining the time and effort that is put into
keeping these relationships healthy.

•Supporting Data:
•Very similar to my results in my work values, my primary career anchor resulted in security, stability, organizational identity, and
my secondary career anchor result was life-style integration. As discussed before, I do feel very strongly about both of these
specific anchors in order for me to maintain a healthy relationship in both my professional and personal life. (CAA)
•I do believe that a lot of the joys that come from my work also come from the people that I am surrounded by. Although I may
not have one specific professional passion, I do have a passion for people and the relationships I have with others. (KCI)
•Taking care of my loved ones as well as having a family of my own one day. (VD)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• While I do not have any contradictory evidence to provide, I do believe that many of my additional theme require time and
focus of myself, which can/does take away from those specific relationships that I want to nurture. Find the balance is a task in
itself, but one that I believe to be a priority.

• Reflection:
• It is important to remember the people who supported and guided you along the way through the journey of success. I would
not be where I am today without the support of those I love. I value these relationship very much and I believe things you
value the most deserve your time and attention.
• Theme Statement:
• It is always important for me to remember to take time out of the day-to-day responsibilities and pressures to make sure I
am taking care of myself both physically and mentally.

• Supporting Data:
• While I have a strong focus on wanting to do my best for others, I also want to make the effort to be there for myself as well.
• Highlighting my conventional preference, I believe having the stability of a routine is something that helps me plan out my
workload, school load, and personal time in order to get everything completed on a day-to-day basis. (HPT)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Statement from one of my interviews: “You should tell people “no” way more often than you do. You put your work on hold to
help others get ahead with theirs, but that hinders yourself from your own workflow and adds more stress to you at times when
you have deadlines coming up. Telling people “no” does not make you a bad team player, it sets healthy boundaries for
yourself to be the best that you can be at your work.” (IP)
• Reflection:
• It can be hard for me to find time as well as take time to take care of myself when needed. With so many responsibilities around
me I tend to forget about myself. However, I have tried to make it a priority to make sure that I am okay as well as doing things
that are good for me and my health.
• Theme Statement:
• Accomplishing my goals is something that I hold very close to me, and also something that comes slowly but surely
through hard work. I always try my best to enjoy the journey through each accomplishment.

• Supporting Data:
• College was a main goal of mine for ten years, it was also a goal I never thought would come true. I am so grateful to be where
I am today and so grateful for the journey ahead in my career. (VD)
• Look towards my career goals and participating in research to figure out what directions would be most suitable for me, my
personality, and interests, is something that gets me very excited to see where this degree will take me. (KCI)
• Statement from one of my interviews: “I think human resources is a great career choice for you. You do very well in the
administrative role and the daily functions of running an office, and you also have a care for other people that can shine through
human resources. If I was able to choose a specific topic that best suits who you are, I would focus on the onboarding aspect of
the career.” (IP)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• While I do not have any contradictory evidence to provide, I do know that self discipline as well as self confidence has played a
huge role in getting myself to where I am today, especially in my educational journey.

• Reflection:
• my journey though ASU has been the ultimate challenge as well as the ultimate testament that I can accomplish any goals I
have for myself with determination and dedication. I am looking forward to seeing how my journey will play out in terms of
my personal and professional goals.
• Theme Statement:
• Confidence is an imperative skill to have and maintain in leadership as well as throughout life.

• Supporting Data:
• I found myself a little confused at the results I was presented in my career interest assessment. Elementary, middle school, as
well as adult education teacher were all within my results of occupations to explore. I have never seen myself as someone who
would be a good teacher to others, rather I see myself as a good listener and an interested learner.(KCI)
• Statement from one of my interviews: ” You have to learn to be okay with stern boundaries. I know you love the kids you work
with but when they do not show up for their scheduled responsibility or do not stay in contact with you when you schedule
them for a tour, you need to hold them accountable or else they will continue with that behavior. You are their leader for a
reason, they respect and love who you are, but you have to know they will still feel that way even if you have to call them out
because they are not fulfilling their given leadership role within our office. “ (IP)
• Knowing how to speak up for myself and others when necessary. (VD)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• While I have confidence in knowing what it is I want in terms of career and lifestyle, I do struggle with standing firm in
confidence within myself and the knowledge and skills I have as a leader to others.

• Reflection:
• Confidence is an ongoing journey which can grown as well as shrink from time to time. It is a journey in which I am growing to
love because I feel it has helped me find myself even more. However it is still a process in which I have a long way to go.
• Theme Statement:
• While most things within my life feel as an equal priority when compared, it is important for me to be organized in the
areas of my life which may require more attention than others at certain times.
• Supporting Data:
• Graduating is a top dream of mine and one that I am very close to seeing come true. Through all the responsibilities I currently
have in my life, it is important for me to have school as a top priority in order to accomplish this dream. (VD)
• Statement from one of my interivews: :Set boundaries when they are needed. It’s okay to not be available to be everyone’s go-
to-girl especially when you have other responsivities to take care of.” (IP)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Taking on more than I may be able to handle at times contradicts my desire to organize my priorities. I do struggle in my ability
of say no when I feel like I can be a help to others. (IP)

• Reflection:
• My journey though college has really forced me to take the time and reevaluate certain priorities I have/had in order to make
time for myself and accomplishing one of my goals. Through this type of organization, it has helped me accomplish many other
areas of my life as well.
• Theme Statement:
• I believe that you never stop learning throughout life. Whether or not you are a student in a classroom, there are so many
lessons to be learned no matter what age you may be.
• Supporting Data:
• As someone who has always been slightly unsure of what skills I truly have to offer to others both personally and
professionally, I have come to find that my skills involve people and the way I am able to make connections and relationships
with those around me. This is a skill I have recently uncovered due to the research done. (KSC)
• Statement from one of my interviews: “Since I know this is something you’ve always wanted to do I think it would be really
cool if you started learning how to play piano, it gives you a creative outlet and is not attached to anything work or school
related.” (IP)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• While my educational journey has been longer than the average student, I am looking forward to some time off once I graduate.
However, this does not deter me from wanting to pursure additional educational opportunities in the future.

• Reflection:
• I see being a life long learner as a beautiful thing. I think education is all around us and having the passion to learn will only
increase different interest and fullfillment.
• Theme Statement:
• At the end of the day, I believe that this professional and educational journey that I have been on is in hopes to create
happiness in the end.
• Supporting Data:
• Get involved in other things outside of my office. Maybe becoming a club advisor for a topic I am interested and passion about
will help increase my fulfillment outside of the day-to-day tasks I always take on Monday through Friday. (IP)
• My happiness does not just come directly from professional success but from personal success as well. I am someone who
strives to work within a field which I feel good work is being done and I am excited to be part of that work, while also being
given the opportunity to still take care of myself and those around me by being present. (SWV)
• Taking the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, my result type was ISFJ. This type is described as, characterized above all by
their desire to serve others, which in the end is something I find happiness as well as value in and hope to find throughout my
future career goals. (HJT)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• There is no contradictory evidence for creating happiness because this is something I believe that most everyone strives to
• Reflection:
• Happiness is not a goal but a lifestyle I hope I am able to create for myself. It is definitely a journey of good days and great
days, and days that feel average. However it is the little things throughout the day that can create happiness as well.

My hope is to grow in life and in love with the day-to-day I will create for myself. Happiness
is a lifestyle in which I hope to maintain from the hard work I put into myself and my future.

I believe in treating others the way you would like to be treated. As people we are each other’s
family and we should take care of one another as such.

Throughout much of the unknown in my professional development and goals, it is great to reflect and see that the
one constant that has remained is my passion for people and the joy I feel from others.

Throughout my time reflecting on my ten themes, I have been able to discover unfold the
growth I have accomplished in just over a year. This has given me great insight and value to
the hard work I have put in to myself, in order to reach where I am today.
• Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login | Kuder Journey. (n.d.).

• Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment

• Personality Test (2023) - Free and scientifically valid Big Five personality test.

• me3®: Major and Career Quiz | Arizona State University. (n.d.).

• ISFJ: Leverage your personality type. (n.d.-b).

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