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Chapter 3 Logarithms

Functions and their inverses

Some operators exist to provide the opposite of others.

Function Inverse

4 x×3 x ? 3 4
4 x+3 x ?- 3 4
4 x2 √x
? 4
4 x 5
Functions and their inverses
Some operators exist to provide the opposite of others.

Function Inverse

4 3 x log?3 x 4
How therefore would describe the effect of log3 x in words?

It finds the power that, when 3 is raised to it,

log3 x gives you x.

We describe this as the “logarithm i.e. If y = log3 x, then 3y = x

of x base 3” or “log of x base 3” or
“taking the log of x base 3”. It is the opposite/inverse of exponentiation.
Computing logs
Remember that logarithms find the missing power.

Bro Tip #1: Imagine what power would slot in

the middle of the two.

log2 8 = 3? Click to start

log2 8 = 3 3=

log3 9 = 2?
log10 100 = 2? Bro Tip #2: loga 1 = 0 (a > 0)

log4 1 = 0? Bro Tip #3: loga a = 1 (a>0)

log3 3 = 1?
Computing logs
Remember that logarithms find the missing power.

Bro Tip #4: When we take the log of any

log2( 2 ) = -1? value between 0 and 1 (exclusive), we end
up with a negative number.

log2( 8 ) = -3?
log3( 81) = -4?
Bro Tip #5: If you want a real result, you
__πi__ can only take logs of positive values.
log4 (-1) = log? 4
Using logs
Logs help us solve equations when the power is unknown.

Find the x for which 10x = 500

We can write this as x = log10 500


Broculator Tip:
The log button on your calculator is implicitly
base 10. So “[log] [500]” will give you log10 500
More on rewriting Powers as Logarithms

Bro Tip: In both cases, the 2 is the ‘base’.

23 = 8 log2 8 = 3

92 = 81 log9 81? = 2
34 = 81 log3 81? = 4
3x = 55 log3 55? = x

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