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(May, of 2023)


Our company slogan: “donde amar es un

gran problema” or as translated to English
from Spanish :“where loving is a big
• Where did Living@Liberty come from: Springing from the fact that I as founder of this organisation felt
the intense desire to be a bless to others and that I came across the YouTube web page of the young American
covering/song writing artist, Anne Elisabeth Reburn (born on November, 27 th of 1993 – present) I was fallen
in love with her and began to dream up solutions once I had learnt that her younger sister is ill with Lyme’s
disease and ways to help out and eventually propose to Anne Reburn herself. I was going to trade in the
business for a place in the family (that said the marriage was not included and was to come at its own time
when Anne felt ready to take it one step further in life).
• Who do I predict who will be in the company and What is Living@Liberty: The Living@Liberty project
is a family organisation that focuses on the medical biological aspects (as a means of testing newer formulas
and making cures for diseases incurable), a radio channel (that being Liberty FM) with all of your favourite
oldies songs and journalists come together, our mobile app that helps you keep a healthy budget (being
BudgetSmart and BudgetSmart+ (Premium), the marketing of a variety of items and products, the
businesses unique manor of advertising, as well as our social media platform (being our self-created
Living@Liberty Mailman Platform), where you could freely donate and where we make guaranteed
promise to help the sick and the less fortunate people of Rural Africa and/or places alike and some parts of
the United States of America. Meet the family: Izak Fourie (Idealist of the Living@Liberty Foundation
Project working asman in control of the Mailman), Anne Reburn Herself (as our radio representative)
and Anne’s sister, Christena Reburn in the science deparment.
• I couldn’t really find any more about Anne’s Family, except for herself, her sister and who looks like some of
her friends or fans, but here are some pictures to show you curious people who it is is that I am talking about.
Starting from left, its Anne you’ll see and then her sister and then that other friend or fan of hers, but you
• How would I like to pack tackle this thing: I said this before and I will said it again: “I was going to trade in
the business for a place in the family (that said the marriage was not included and was to come at its own
time when Anne felt ready to take it one step further in life).
• When I had first discovered Anne’s webpage and had fallen in love, I instinctively started to follow her around
on the internet, on social media platforms and more and began trying to get a hold of her via written letters,
Facebook and email. Letters I had attempted to write and failed to finish. Until one day when I posted a
comment on Facebook that seemed to have shocked her and had her write back, “Oh, my (followed by a
shocked emoji)!” I wrote back…but until to date, I hadn’t seen any further feed back, so I keep on writing and
this is only another attempt of mine, out of naivety and hoping she’d notice me for my honest, good intention
for her family and the rest of American society. I will however need the funding from you, my reader(s) to
make this possible in the first place and for that I will create some sort of a website where this slide show will
be posted and where money could come in. THIS WILL NOT BE NOT SOME SORT OF A SCAM ON THE
• Why should I be trusted: I am a Christian and therefore could not afford to commit to any such dishonesties.
As much as I am a living, breathing human being, I also focusing on becoming a better person everyday. This
Project has also been a thing I have been wanting to do since 2019, somewhere before or between the
COVID-19 pandemic. A dream to be more exact!
• When would I attempt to this: I am hoping to attempt to this once there is enough money for me to
begin. I am not yet sure when there will be enough money…but here is my promise, that I WILL DO
with this money as a I told you here in this slide show. There’s no question! Going in on my studies as
a student at Boston City College in Potchefstroom, South Africa, I will take out a piece of text
written by a fellow lecturer if you will, Mrs. Moira Bender and here she writes the following:

15 May 2004

“Beware of Internet Peeping Toms!

In this age of IT, personal information has become such a valuable commodity that is being captured,
compiled, bought and sold. Companies have been formed that collect and sell sensitive information.
Some sites sell the personal information they collect from shoppers, which usually results in junk e-mail
cluttering up your mailbox. If you’re not comfortable with that, look for a privacy statement policy.
Protect your online privacy.

• Six handy tactics that help confidentiality
• Protect your real identity by adding a pseudonym in the browser.
• Cookies. Only accept temporary ones from trusted websites.
• Use an alternate email address when emailing unknown parties.
• Do not reply to spammers.
• Only submit a credit card number on a secure connection.
• After browsing, clear your memory cache.
• Empower and protect yourself today by keeping up with latest scam tactics.
• Online Shopping
• E-commerce and online shopping are here to stay. Is this dangerous? Reality check: you are more likely to
have your credit card stolen offline than have your information misappropriated on the Internet. Technically,
it is possible for somebody to intercept the transmission of your credit card information over the Internet. But
why would anyone with the level of skill necessary to intercept the transmission of your credit card
information want to go to all that trouble? If one really wants to have access to credit card information, there
are other opportunities available that require far less computing skill and knowledge than waiting for you to.
• purchase something online. Nevertheless, it pays to be cautious so take note of the safe online shopping steps
listed below.
• Start conservatively.”

- Thank You for your co-operation,

Izak Fourie (the Author)

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