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Bhatia’s Battery of Performance
test of intelligence

Name of test :- Bhatia’s battery of performance test of


Prepared by :- Dr C.M. Bhatia in 1955.

Age limit :- 11 to 16 year.

Time limit :- There is different time limit for every sub

approximately 1 hour.
•Koh’s block design number --- 1 to 5 is 2 minute and 6 to
10 is 3 minutes.

•Alexender pass along test design number--- 1 to 4 is 2

minute and 5 to 8 is 3 minute.

•Pattern drawing test design number--- 1 to 4 is 2 minute

and 5 to 8 is 3 minute.

•Immediate memory for sound no time limit.

•Picture construction test design number--- 1 to 3 is 2

minutes and 4 to 5 is 3 minute.
Type of test :- It is performance type of test.

Area of measurement :- Intelligence and Performance

Utility of test :- This test is utilized to test the boy of age

11 to 16 years. This is a good test to measure the level of
intelligence of children and less educated or illiterate
Indians. It measures the intelligence through various
performance test.
Reliability :- By split half method for literate people is 0.851 and
for Illiterate group 0.841.

Validity :- On the basis of teacher rating scale for literate group

0.703 and for Illiterate group is 0.717.

Norms :- Norms are IQ, waited score, standard score,

standard deviation.
Test introduction :- This test was developed to test the
intelligence of Indian population. It is constructed by
doctor C. M. Bhatia in 1955. It include following 5 sub-
1. Koh’s block design test,

2. Alexander pass along test,

3. Pattern drawing test,

4. Immediate memory,

5. Picture construction test.

Individual administration of this test take less than 1
hour. Minimum 95 marks can be obtained in the
complete test, maximum marks for the first second third
fourth and Fifth test are 25, 20, 20, 15,15 respectively.
The norms for the test have been obtained for the boy
of 11 and 16 years.

Material required :- Manual of Bhatia’s battery,

Score sheet
Bhatiya box.
Subject introduction :-
Administration :- There are 5 sub test and for every test
individual administration is given in the manual.
Provided one by one test to the subject and follow the
manual for the test administration.
Precaution :-
•There should be arrangement of proper lighting.
•Proper sitting arrangement.
•Record the time of every trial.
•If done 2-3 failure then terminate the test.
•Establish report.
•Check the bhatia's battery before the test started in the
testing room.
Instructions :- Following instruction should be given to
the subject.
•This test is a battery which comprises of 5 sub test.
•There is a time limit for some test.
•Total number of question contain in this test is 95.
•It is a performance test which help in measuring your
•You have to write the answer in the score sheet which is
provided by the tester.
•In every test first of all illustration will be given to you
then you can start.
Koh’s block design:- You have to make it same as the
picture, block can be moved like this (Demonstration)
and arrange as given in the picture. I want you to
move them and makes same as the picture (point to
the picture). Go ahead and do it as quickly as you can.
Pass-along test :- Take the first and the smallest
box and the card number 1 (point out to the
subject) and tell that the red block is placed near
the blue and the blue block are placed near the
red and you have to place the red block near the
red and blue block near the blue without lifting
the block, you have to move them.
Pattern drawing test :- “Here is paper and pencil”, I
will show you a figure ( Place a card before the
subject ) Now make the figure like this (point out the
figure) without repeating the line or without lifting your
pencil. Once you start make the figure the, card should
remain in full view of the subject throughout within time
limit you can make as many attempt as you like.
Immediate memory test :-
•Direct :--- I will say something listen attentively.
Repeated after i have finished. listen example
if I say 1926 you have to say 1926.
•Reversed :--- I will say something listen carefully.
Whatever I say you have to say in reverse order
example if I say 2763 you have to say 3672.
Picture construction :- Here are a number of picture
(Specify 2,4,6,8,1,2 as a case may be) of a picture
put the pieces together to form the picture within time

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