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Patel Institute Of
Pharmaceutical Education &
Research (RCPIPER)
RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Asst Professor

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Roots of Unethical Behaviour & Issues.
• poor personal ethics
• a failure to incorporate ethical issues into strategic and operational
• a dysfunctional culture, and
• the failure of leaders to act ethically.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Poor/Immoral Leadership
• It is a common practice in offices where there conflict or clash arises
between a boss and an employee. Sometimes, the leaders prefer one
employee over another, or one employee takes the credit of the whole
task and becomes a star in front of the boss. Due to this, an
environment of negativity evolves in the workplace.
• in this manner, employees lose interest in the job and do not respect
management and feel discriminated against. Employees feel
unsatisfied with the office environment. An involvement in
assignments drops, and he starts wasting time.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Unethical Organizational Culture
• An organization's culture and values can significantly impact the
behaviour of its employees. If an organization does not prioritize
ethical behaviour or promotes a culture that tolerates unethical
conduct, employees may be more likely to engage in unethical actions.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Psychological Roots
• Narcissism-have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance
• Machiavellianism-denotes cunningness, the ability to be manipulative,
and a drive to use whatever means necessary to gain power
• Psychopathy-shallow emotional responses, lack of empathy, impulsivity,
and an increased likelihood for antisocial behaviour
• Heightened sense of entitlement
• Ethical Blind Spots: People often have cognitive biases that can lead
them to justify their unethical actions or overlook ethical concerns.
• How he/she was raised by his/her parents/guardians/society ?
• How He was treated by his family members/peers/friends
RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Ethical fading
• Ethical fading occurs when people fail to recognize the ethical
dimensions of their actions due to various cognitive biases or
situational factors

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Unrealistic Performance Goals
• Cutting corners: To meet unrealistic goals, employees may skip
necessary steps or take shortcuts in their work. This can lead to subpar
products or services, compromising quality and integrity.
• Misrepresentation: Employees may exaggerate or falsify data or
reports to create the illusion of meeting performance goals. This can
include inflating sales figures, manipulating financial statements, or
providing false information to customers.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Stress , Anxiety ,Depression and Burnout:
• High-pressure goals can lead to chronic stress and burnout among
employees, which can negatively affect their mental and physical well-
• When the employees are having Depression or Anxiety , They get
overwhelmed even by a easy task , therefore instead of doing it
ethically they choose to cheat

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Educational Roots
• Habits learnt from the School, College days by colleagues , seniors etc.
• Negative Impacts by colleagues , seniors etc. in school/college days
• Negative Impact of some Teachers or staff

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Lack of awareness and education
• Some individuals may not fully understand what constitutes ethical
behaviour or may not be aware of the consequences of their actions.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Ignorance of ethics and morality, laws etc.
• Ignorance of ethics and morality is a significant issue that can
contribute to unethical behaviour. When individuals are unaware of
ethical principles and moral values, they may make decisions that are
ethically problematic or engage in behaviours that are considered
unethical by societal or professional standards.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Unintentional Unethical Behaviour
• Many unethical actions occur not because individuals have malicious
intent but because they are simply unaware that their actions are
unethical. Lack of ethical education and awareness can lead to
unintentional ethical violations.
i.e Xerox , downloading MP3s

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Social Roots
• Race
• Country’s Economical State-Whether Developed, Undeveloped,
Developing etc.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
Cultural and societal norms
• Cultural and societal norms can influence what is considered
acceptable behaviour in a given context, and these norms may not
always align with ethical principles.

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्
REMEDIES : Addressing Unethical
• promoting ethical values, create CULTURE OF ETHICS
• creating a culture of accountability
• Providing Ethics Training & Education, and
• Enforcement : Establishing clear Consequences for unethical actions.
• Whistle-blower Protection : individuals must be encouraged to speak
out against unethical behaviour and report any wrongdoing they
• providing support to individuals facing ethical dilemmas : Counselling

RCPIPER’s MBA (Pharmaceutical Management): Excellence in applied pedagogy & probity. शुद्ध -श्रेष्ठ- अनुप्रयोगेन अध्यापनं, शिक्षाशास्त्रम्

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