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Topic 8:
Creative Problem Solving
Dr. Md Rosli Haji Ismail


Innate Well-informed

Characteristics of
Creative Leaders

Prepared to be Original
creative thinkers

Ask the
Organisational Methods to Enhance Creativity

1. Creativity can be Stimulated by Leaders

Leaders of organisations provide a permissive environment that can nourish creative traits for the
benefit of the organisation itself. Everyone of normal intelligence has latent creative abilities that
can be enhanced by training and a favourable environment.

2. The Unconscious Mind is Not Supernatural

Creativity emerges from unconscious thinking and most thinking operated in the unconscious in
everything we do.

3. Scratch-pad of the Mind

To have a clear understanding of what the problem is, and be able to state it clearly. Effective
thinkers begin by first focusing on the structure of the problem rather than technical details. The
next series of mental operations occur in the scratchpad of the mind, which is so-called working
memory of the past experiences
Organisational Methods to Enhance Creativity

4. Creativity cannot be Strategically Planned

Emerging often during the course of ongoing activity that may have nothing to do with new ideas.
“It comes out of the blue”.

5. The Way We Classify Things Becomes Blocks to New Ideas

Once the perception that anybody can be what he wants to be through aspiration and perspiration,
irrespective of ethnic background has been accepted, the mental block will be broken.

6. Imagery is More Likely to Stimulate New Thought than Language

Neuroscientists know that humans have a split-brain in which the left half controls analytical
thought involved in speech and mathematics, while the right brain deals more holistically with
imagery, music, art and assorted nonverbal thought.

If creativity is to be cultivated among our students in schools, what pedagogical

approach should be used in the teaching and learning process?

Self-Help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem Solving

1. Create the Right Environment

Creativity is ‘contagious’. Certain environment contain something that enhances the
creativity process.

2. Expect Creativity
Innovation correlates strongly with a person’s perception of whether or not he is
expected to be innovative. When leaders carry the burden of responsibility for
innovation, the workers try to avoid it. Part of the reason is because the environment
of most organisation discourage or penalise workers for innovation.

3. Challenge People
Workers should be challenged to stimulate creative responses, but too much
challenge will overburden the emotions and the mind, switching off the capacity for
creative thought.
Self-Help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem Solving

4. Get Some Kind of Peer Review

The ultimate goal of the true professional is to be respected by his peers. If the professionals do not
know how they stand in the eyes of their peers then the incentive for doing best work is also absent.

5. Get a System of Rewards for Creativity

The rewards for new ideas should be made known and tangible to all staff. They can be in the form
of bonuses or salary increments to a wide variety of incentives. Arranging for professionals to
present their ideas in the semiformal gathering of peers and superiors.

6. Get People Involved and Immersed in Problems

You eat, you work and you sleep thinking of it, and because of this immersion, an idea may appear
Self-Help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem Solving

7. Make Your Staff Feel Secure

Letting professionals present their own work for briefing, presenting reports.
Giving them some autonomy, minimising the supervision, letting them help set goals and priorities.

8. Show the Mavericks You Tolerate, Even Value Them

Creative people are more likely to be nonconformist, not only in their thinking but sometimes in
their attitudes and behaviours. If such people are valued in an organisation for what their ideas can
do for the group, then a certain amount of tolerance for unconventional behaviours is the price has
to be paid.

Creative leaders must facilitate positive relationships in organisations to produce profitable growth
through innovation.

Creativity is NOT a personality trait, everyone has unique knowledge and experiences that can be
tapped, given the proper environment.

Creative leaders are characterised by traits and personality such as intelligence, being well-
informed, creative and original thinkers, having the ability to ask the right questions and possessing
a desire to be creative.

It is important to stimulate creativity and innovation among its members not only to enhance
productivity but also for creative problem solving.

Creative problem solving in schools are important and everyone should have skills to apply self-help
techniques to enhance creative problem solving.
Thank You

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