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How to Move the sun

Ways to move the sun

 Shkadav Thruster
 The Caplan Thruster
Shkadav Thruster
The simplest kind of stellar engine is a Shkadav Thruster,a
giant mirror. It works on the same principal as a rocket.
Like rocket fuel, the photons as solar radiation carry
momentum, not a lot but a bit. The basic idea of a Shkadav
Thruster is to reflect up to half of the solar radiation to
create thrust, and slowly push the sun where we want it go.
In order for the Shkadav Thruster to work, It needs to be
kept in the same position, not orbiting the sun. Its shape
must be a parabola to maximize thrust and to prevent earth
from freezing or burning earth it needs to be in sun’s poles
which means we can only go in one direction’
The Caplan Thruster
It works like a traditional rocket: shoot exhaust one way to push
yourself in the other. It’s a large space station platform powered by
a Dyson sphere that gathers matter from the sun to power nuclear
fusion. It shoots out a get of particles nearly at 1% speed of light
out of the solar system. A second jet pushes the sun along like a
tug boat. The Caplan Thruster requires a lot of fuel, millions of
tons per second. To gather this fuel, our thruster uses very large
electromagnetic fields to funnel hydrogen and helium from solar
wind into the engine. The dyson sphere can be used to lift some
mass of the sun to give even more power to The Caplan Thruster
and particle accelerator will balance The Caplan Thruster and push
the sun and because of nuclear fusion our sun’s mass will be used
along with the sun regenerating itself making the sun immortal .
Made by – Mayank
Video by -Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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