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Université Abou Bakr Belkaid

Faculté de technologie

Département d’architecture

Presentation in English

• BOUDAHRI Oussama
• BELHADJ Abdellah
• BAROUDI Djallelddine

Introduction :
A. General presentation of the subject
Football is a team sport that pits two teams of eleven players against each other, with the goal of scoring goals by
getting the ball into the opposing team's net.

It is played in stadiums around the world, and football matches attract immense and passionate crowds.

B. Importance and popularity of football in the world

Football is the most popular sport in the world, with billions of fans across continents. - It transcends cultural,
linguistic, and geographical boundaries, bringing people of all backgrounds together around a common
II. History of football :
A. Ancient origins and similar games
• The roots of football date back to ancient games
that were played in different civilizations
throughout history.
• For example, in China, "cuju" was a similar
game played over 2000 years ago.

B. Development of modern football

• Le football moderne a émergé en Angleterre au 19e
siècle, où il est devenu rapidement populaire.
C. Creation of rules and internationals
• Les premières règles du jeu ont été établies en 1863 par
l'Association anglaise de football (FA).
• The rules established by the FA laid the
foundation for modern football as we
know it today.
• International competitions were created
to allow national teams to compete
against each other, thus strengthening the
global aspect of the sport.
III. The fundamentals of football

A. The field and its dimensions

• A standard football field measures 100
meters in length and 64 meters in width.
• It includes a midfield, goal areas at each
end, and a regulated playing surface.

B. The teams and positions of the players

• Each team is composed of eleven players,

with specific positions such as defenders,
midfielders, and forwards.
• The players have different roles, with
specific tasks to contribute to the team's
C. Arbitration and the role of the referee
• The referee is responsible for enforcing the rules of
the game, making decisions on fouls and cards, and
maintaining order on the field.
• Their authority is crucial to ensure fair and balanced

C. The rules of the game (offside, fouls, cards, etc.)

• Offside is an important rule aimed at preventing
players from gaining an advantageous position.
• Fouls, such as excessive physical contact or dangerous
gestures, can result in penalties.sanctions.
IV. Major competitions
A. FIFA World Cup B. UEFA European Championship C. UEFA Champions League
The FIFA World Cup is the • The UEFA Champions League is
most prestigious tournament - The UEFA European Championship, also the most prestigious club
in world football. - It takes known as the Euro, is the major competition in Europe.
place every four years and competition between European national • The best teams from each
brings together the best teams. national league compete in an
national teams from around - It takes place every four years and intense competition that takes
the world. - It is an event provides a platform to compete with the place throughout the season.
followed by billions of best talents on the continent.
viewers and it arouses great
passion and national pride.
V. The great teams and legendary players

A. Clubs

A. Players
VI. The social and economic impact of football.

A. Passion of supporters and atmosphere in stadiums

• Football supporters are known for their passion and dedication
to their team.
• Football matches are accompanied by an electric atmosphere in
the stadiums, creating an unforgettable experience for

B. Influence on the global economy and entertainment industry

• Football has a major economic impact, generating considerable
revenue through broadcasting rights, sponsors, and marketing.
• Football clubs have become prosperous businesses, with
lucrative sponsorship deals and investments in modern
• The entertainment industry, including video games, movies, and
television shows, also relies on the popularity of football.

C. Football as a vector of national identity and unity

• Football plays an important role in constructing national identity.
• Victories in international competitions are celebrated with pride
and can unite an entire country around a shared passion.
VII. The challenges and issues of contemporary

A. Issues related to corruption and doping

• Football is not immune to corruption scandals, particularly
in the allocation of broadcasting rights and competitions.
• Doping is also a challenge, with controls and sanctions
aimed at preserving the integrity of the sport.

B. Financial inequality between clubs

• There is a significant financial imbalance between wealthy
clubs and less privileged clubs.
• This can create disparities in competition and question the
principle of fair competition.

C. Initiatives to promote equity and fair play

• Football authorities are working to implement initiatives
aimed at promoting equity and fair play.
VIII. Conclusion

A. Recap of key points

• Football is a popular and global sport that brings together millions of people.
• It has a rich history, prestigious competitions, and legendary players.

B. Continued importance of football in society today

• Football continues to have a major social, economic, and cultural impact worldwide.
• It evokes emotions, strengthens community bonds, and provides moments of joy and passion to all football fans.

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