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The Heart Of True
Matthew 3 ESV
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
is at hand.”

Mark 1 ERV
He said, “The right time is now here. God’s
kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and
lives, and believe the Good News!”
The Call To Repentance
• Repentance was the keynote of the preaching of
John the Baptist.
• This complete redirection of their lives was to be
demonstrated by profound changes in lifestyle and
• The message of repentance was at the heart of Jesus’
1. What Is Repentance?
• Repentance is a deep conviction that brings a
change of heart and leads to a change of

• It occurs when a radical turning to God takes

place, an experience in which God is recognized
as the most important fact of one’s existence.
1. What Is Repentance?
• Repentance is the picture of a person who hears the
truth, realizes the life he has lived has broken God’s
laws, and therefore makes up his mind that he will
leave that old life and live for God according to His
Turning away from sin and correctly seeing our sin as
God sees our sin is not the work of man, but the
effectual working of the Holy Spirit.
Genuine repentance is an act motivated by a desire
to please God and turn away from sin.

Signs of true repentance:

1. Admit we’re wrong.
2. Try to make it right.
3. Don’t do it again!
1 John 1 ERV
But if we confess our sins, God will
forgive us. We can trust God to do this.
He always does what is right. He will
make us clean from all the wrong
things we have done.
2. What Leads Us To Repentance?

An awareness of the holiness of God and

the depth of sin.
~Richard Lovelace

A fresh revelation of God’s holiness and man’s

sinfulness leads to genuine repentance.
Romans 3:23 NIRV
Everyone has sinned. No one measures
up to God’s glory. 24 The free gift of
God’s grace makes us right with him.
Christ Jesus paid the price to set us free.

Romans 6:23 ERV

When people sin, they earn what sin
pays—death. But God gives his people a
free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our
2. What Leads Us To Repentance?

It is his GOODNESS that leads people to

repentance and to find salvation through Christ
Jesus our Lord.
Romans 2 ESV
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness
and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's
kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
Before Jesus died on the cross, our sins
separated us from God’s presence; God cannot
abide with darkness because He is light.

Jesus brought light and life into the world.

3. The Blessings of True Repentance
• Real repentance results in restoration,
renewal, and revival.

Acts 3 NLV
But you must be sorry for your sins and turn from
them. You must turn to God and have your sins
taken away. Then many times your soul will receive
new strength from the Lord.
3. The Blessings of True Repentance
• When we repent and believe, we are saved
and become joint heirs with Christ.

Romans 8 ERV
If we are God’s children, we will get the blessings
God has for his people. He will give us all that he has
given Christ. But we must suffer like Christ suffered.
Then we will be able to share his glory.
3. The Blessings of True Repentance
• For the one sinner who repents, there is
great “joy in heaven”.

Luke 15 NLV
I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven because of one
sinner who is sorry for his sins and turns from them, than
for ninety-nine people right with God who do not have
sins to be sorry for.
Repentance is urgent.

But the ancient Augustine was right,

“God has promised forgiveness to your
repentance, but He has not promised
tomorrow to your procrastination.”
The Message Of Repentance Should Be
Preached To All Nations

Luke 24 ERV
You saw these things happen—you are witnesses. You
must go and tell people that they must change and turn to
God, which will bring them his forgiveness. You must start
from Jerusalem and tell this message in my name to the
people of all nations.
Repentance Is A Mark Of Revival

The major object of revival is not miracles; it’s a

revelation of the loving character of Jesus in our
lives and the desire to share His love and truth with
others—so that they will turn back to God.

It leads to evangelism. Its passion is winning

lost people.

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