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My most favourite

Adam Čambál

I like January really much because its new year. I like winter school holiday. this month is good
because I like snow a lot. Sometimes it´s don´t snow but it is okay. We go with my family to
mountains because we like to go skiing.
I like this month because at start of this month we have April Fools Day. We have easter holiday in
Slovakia. Me and my friends go flog girls in our class. We and all boys got lot of candies and some
money. The weather is okay.

July is my favourite month. It is school holiday begin. I have birthday, too. It is on first of July. Weather is
very good, its sunny and warm.I play lot of football matches, go for walk with my dog, swim in the pool.
Me and my family go on holiday. Most times we go on Cyprus.
I don´t like this month a lot. The weather is very bad and I hate I must wait to the Christmas. It´s so windy
and rainy and the dark is so soon.But my sister like this month because she has a birthday.My ant has a
birthday, too.

This month is amazing. I don´t now about people who hate December The weather is amazing-snowing
and freezing. I like how many candies Saint Nicholas gives. For Christmas we get lot of presents. And the
Christmas dinner is so good.
Thank you for watching

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