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O A value is something that has worth or

importance to an individual.
O One way of examining values is in terms of
terminal and instrumental values.
O A terminal value is expressed in terms of a
desired goal or end (tujuan akhir).
O An instrumental value is the means for
achieving the desired goals (sbg alat/media
utk meraih tujuan akhir)
Terminal values Instrumental values
(ends) (means)
Self-respect Honesty

A comfortable life Independence

Family security Ambition

Wisdom Courage

A sense of Helpfulness
• Another way to examine values is in terms of a
predetermined list and the preferences people have
for these values.
• Edwards Spraunger has identified six values
common to everyone : theoretical, economic,
aesthetic, social, political, and religious.
• Different occupational groups tend to have
different value profiles. Ex : professors tend to be
highest in theoretical interest, businesspeople have
very high economic values…

No. Nilai kebudayaan yg Tipe Tingkah Laku Dasar


1. Ilmu pengetahuan Manusia teori Berpikir

2. Ekonomi Manusia ekonomi Bekerja

3. Kesenian Manusia esthetis Menikmati keindahan

4. Keagamaan Manusia agama Memuja

5. Kemasyarakatan Manusia sosial Berbakti / berkorban

6. Politik / kenegaraan Manusia kuasa (ingin) berkuasa /


The overriding interest of the theoretical person is the discovery
of truth. In pursuing this goal, the person often looks for
identities and differences, trying to divest himself or herself of
judgments regarding the beauty or utility of objects. The chief
aim in life of this person is to systematize and order knowledge.
The economic person is basically interested in what is useful. In
addiction to self-preservation, the person is concerned with the
production of goods and services and the accumulation of wealth.
The individual is thoroughly practical and conforms well to the
prevailing stereotype of the American businessperson.
The aesthetic person sees highest value in form and harmony.
Although the person might not necessarily be an artist, the
individual’s chief interest is in the artistic episodes of life. For
example : aesthetic people often like the beautiful insignia of
pomp and power but oppose political activity that represses
individual thought.
The highest value for the social person is love of people. This
individual prizes other people as ends and, as a result, is kind,
sympathetic and unselfish. The social person regards love it-self
as the only suitable form of human relationship. This person’s
interests are very close to those of the religious person.

The political person is interested primarily in power. This

individual need not be a politician. Because competition and
struggle play a large part in life, he or she will do well in any
career or job in which a high power value is necessary for
success, whether this be power over people (as in the case of a
top manager) or over the environment (as in the case of an
engineer who makes the final decision on how to build
The highest value for the religious person is unity. This
individual seeks to relate himself or herself to the embracing
totality of the cosmos. For some, there is an attempt to withdraw
from active association with the outside world (as in the case of
monks in a monastery); for others there is some self-denial and
meditation coupled with a life of work among local people who
attend their church or subscribe to the same religious beliefs.
Ada 2 cara pandang orang tipe religious :
O “Immanent mystics”, orang ini mencari makna dengan cara
partisipasi aktif di dalam hidup (diterapkan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari, misal : berbuat baik, silaturahmi.
O “Transcedental mystics” orang ini mencari makna dalam hidup
dengan cara mengasingkan diri dari kehidupan (seperti biksu,
sufi, tasawuf)
• Value tests are useful to understanding
human behavior because they identify
what is important to an individual, so we
can motivate or manage the person
• The great problem for today’s managers,
however, is that values appear to be
Spraunger Average Average Success Success
Value Male Female ful Male ful
College College Manager Female
Student Student Manager
Theoretical 43 36 44 39

Economic 42 37 45 47

Aesthetic 37 44 35 42

Social 37 42 33 31

Political 43 38 44 46

Religious 38 43 39 35

The following quiz is designed to measure how you

value certain lifestyles and rewards. Read and
then rank each statement using the following
scale :
5 = strongly agree or definitely true
4 = generally agree or mostly true
3 = neither agree nor disagree
2 = generally disagree or mostly false
1 = strongly disagree or definitely false
a. You often take the lead and direct others.
b. You believe people should be paid based on how
hard they work and what they accomplish.
c. You would like to be rewarded in direct
proportion to your performance.
d. You believe that in the long run, good people win
and bad people lose.
e. You would be more motivated by financial
rewards than by praise.
f. You enjoy being in charge.
g. Dishonesty should not be tolerated.
h. It makes you angry when you know how to do
something but no one wants to listen to you.
i. One of your life’s goals is to be financially
j. Getting ahead should be based on performance
and not politics.
k. You would enjoy working on a sales commission
rather than a straight salary.
l. You would like a job that requires hard selling.
m. Owning your own business has strong appeal for
n. Everyone should be treated equally, and
favoritism should be discourage.
o. You would enjoy managing a business.
Enter your answers in the appropriate spaces below. Then total each
group and divide by five to obtain your average response for each group.

GroupI1 Group 2 Group 3
a. _____
_____ b. _____ c. _____
f. _____
_____ d. _____ e. _____
h. _____
_____ g. _____ i. _____
l. _____
_____ j. _____ k. _____
o. _____
_____ n. _____ m. _____
Total Total Total
_____ _____ _____
What is important to you ?
Enter your average scores on the designated lines below.

Average Score Interpretation

Group 1 _____ Importance of control. This score
measures your desire to
take charge and control situations.
Group 2 _____ Importance of fairness. This score
measures the importance you
assign to equity and fairness.
Group 3 _____ Importance of material rewards. This
score measures the extent to
which you value money and other
tangible rewards.

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