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The Ant and the

1. MIFTA HULJANNAH (40018028)
3. MUTIARA (40018030)
4. NADILA RAHMAWATI (40018031)
5. NATASYA (40018032)
6. NOVIANA SARI (40018033)

1.How did the story begin?
One day, on a hot summer day there is a grasshopper
jumping, cheering and singing to fill his heart in a field.
Then, a group of ants passed a grasshopper , working
together with the great hard work of carrying fruits using
their ears, and bringing it to their nest.
2. Who were the characters?
 The Ant = Diligent
 The Grasshopper = Lazy

3. What happened in the story?
Seeing a group of ants the grasshopper asked "Why don't you come
and enjoy the day with me? "says Grasshopper, " Instead of working
hard all the time? " . He continued

"I will keep the food for the next winter," said Ant, "and recommend
you to do the same with me. “
"Why should we care about winter? "says Grassho " We have had a lot
of food now.” the grasshopper arrogantly answered. “ Why worry about
tomorrow “ . The grassho paid no attention to the ant’s advice , he
hopped and skipped the whole day , and chewed on the fresh grass . He
lazed on the river and whistled carelessly .

4. What happened next?
Weeks passed and the grassho grew fatter! . One day, as he was lying on
the thick layer of grass. He saw a long line of ants carrying twigs
and leaves. "what is this?, where are you taking these leaves and
twigs?" .
"we are taking this to keep us comfotable during the wintter. You
must collect too . Winter will be very cold! " .
"HAHAHA .winters are always cold, you are so many! That's why
you have to work so hard. I am just me, I will surely find
something. “
The ant knew that the grassho will not listen to her. She turned to
5. Resolution

When winter comes, the

grasshopper doesn't have
food and finds it self died of
hunger. While it saw ants can
eat every day, namely friuts
and grain from the hive they
have gathered before. Finally
he regretted for not listening
to the ant’s say at that time.

﹡ Character in the story
Any family = diligent for collecting
food before winter
Grasshopper = lazy because only
dances before spring

The condition of figures in real life

Any family = diligent search for food
Grasshopper = diligently collecting
food according to the season.
So we as humans have to go to the trouble
first and have fun later.
Any questions?


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